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ARCHIVED! Sunsetting The Synthetic Times: After over a year, 8.000 plus articles, and more than 300.000 images, The Synthetic Times retires from active reporting. For now, it stays as an archive. It was fun while it latstet, but even AI eats energy and budgets. If you think the Synthetic Times should be alive, you are very welcome to support the project by ordering a fine art print, making a donation, or contacting us for sponsorship or other ideas!
/ 8 months ago
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Israel and Hamas put their conflict on hold, opting for a surprising hostage swap instead. Will this brief respite bring lasting peace or is it just a temporary ceasefire in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian saga?
/ 8 months ago
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Unprecedented 'Buy One, Get One Free' hostage release deal shakes up Middle East, leaving diplomats scrambling for coupons and nations on edge.
/ 8 months ago
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Trump woos Texas governor with promises of less work and more barbeques, forging a meaty alliance at the U.S-Mexico border visit.
/ 8 months ago
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Argentina's election showdown: Will it be a libertarian bombshell or a left-wing lifeline?
/ 8 months ago
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President of Maldives initiates Indian troop eviction on his first day in office, stirring up tensions and earning support from his followers. Only time will tell if this move brings about the change he desires or leads to a diplomatic dispute.
/ 8 months ago
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Sonia Gandhi, a symbol of hope and unity, channels her cricket passion to inspire the Indian team towards victory, transcending the divisive nature of politics.
/ 8 months ago
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Democratic division hits boiling point as Biden supporters clash over Israel-Hamas conflict.
/ 8 months ago
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Colorado's historic trial against 2024 nominee Donald Trump concludes in a wild west showdown, leaving spectators questioning the next move in this cinematic courtroom drama.
/ 8 months ago
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Israel's race to conquer Gaza becomes a high-stakes fitness challenge as international patience wears thin. Will they succeed on the treadmill before the world hits its breaking point?
/ 8 months ago
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UN Security Council calls for Hamas to adopt kinder tactics and release hostages in Gaza, as it surprised the world with a rare display of unity and optimism. Will this newfound enthusiasm lead to a global trend of harmony, or is it just the result of free doughnuts and bad coffee?
/ 8 months ago
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Congress narrowly avoids government shutdown, but leaves Ukraine and Israel in limbo during holiday season.
/ 8 months ago
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Iran's uranium stockpile reaches unprecedented levels, raising concerns worldwide and drawing comparisons to Aunt Mabel's Tupperware collection.
/ 8 months ago
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Diplomacy takes an unexpected twist as police join pro-Palestine protesters in a dance-off at DNC headquarters.
/ 8 months ago
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Man on trial for Pelosi husband kidnap plot blames "House of Cards" binge-watching for his misguided actions, proving that reality TV and actual reality don't always align.
/ 8 months ago
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President Biden attempts to mend relations with China using fortune cookies and Sriracha sauce, sparking both intrigue and skepticism. Amid simmering international tensions, the unconventional culinary diplomacy leaves critics questioning its true intent.
/ 8 months ago
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Trump's beloved sibling judge passes away, leaving him without his trusted critic. The world awaits what chaos unfolds next.
/ 8 months ago
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Gabon's Bongo family takes a hiatus, leaving the musical-chairs-style leadership game on pause until the 2025 general election, where they are expected to retain power as always. Stay tuned for the dramatic continuation of this never-ending saga.
/ 8 months ago
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Israel takes on the unexpected role of stork, preparing to evacuate newborns from Gaza hospital amidst a power outage crisis, showing a glimmer of humanity in the midst of escalating conflicts.
/ 8 months ago
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Senator Tim Scott shocks the political world by ending his presidential campaign before the first caucus, leaving voters and pundits wondering what could have been in the crowded 2024 race.
/ 8 months ago
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GOP Senator Scott Bows makes a grand romantic gesture by bowing out of the presidential race, leaving pundits shocked and the political landscape in disarray.
/ 8 months ago
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Chic Paris demonstrators rally for peace in Gaza, blending fashion with activism in a visually stunning protest.
/ 8 months ago
Politics / Business /
A top US university sparks controversy by threatening academic consequences for student groups critical of Israel's recent actions in Gaza, raising questions about freedom of expression on campus.
/ 9 months ago
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Japan's 'Annualex' reality show goes global, featuring US, Australia, and Canada, with the Philippines securing a front-row seat to the maritime drama!
/ 9 months ago
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Civilians in Gaza's largest hospital experience the harsh reality of war as they go from seeking refuge to becoming targets. War in the Gaza Strip transforms the idea of hell into a surreal, bloody limbo for its inhabitants.
/ 9 months ago
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US Sends Battleships to Middle East - A Novel Approach to Peace
/ 9 months ago
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Israelites defend Gaza offensive by listing previous global bloodbaths, challenging the world's perception of their actions.
/ 9 months ago
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US Secretary of State plays tourist in Seoul, hoping to charm South Korea amidst North Korea and Russia's budding bromance.
/ 9 months ago
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GOP Candidate Vivk Ramaswamy silences CNN anchor Jim Acosta with a brilliant retort, exposing media biases and leaving viewers in stitches. Don't underestimate the wit of a Republican candidate in a battle with the biased mainstream media.
/ 9 months ago
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Pakistani Rangers Bring the Gift of Explosive Surprises to BSF Personnel Along the IB
/ 9 months ago
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Trump's return to his hometown sees him swapping the golf course for the courtroom as he faces a $250 million civil fraud lawsuit. Will his mastery of the 'Art of the Deal' translate into success in the 'Art of the Trial'? Find out the high-stakes outcome that awaits.
/ 9 months ago
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Israel's Prime Minister contemplates implementing "tactical pauses" in the Gaza conflict, offering a glimmer of hope for peace amidst ongoing violence and international scrutiny. Bibi's unexpected move prompts speculation and cautious optimism for a potential breakthrough in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
/ 9 months ago
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Hamas offers 'Concierge Services' for a significant pause in Mideast conflict in exchange for hostage release, redefining customer service in a conflict zone.
/ 9 months ago
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Putin's False Instagram Drama: From Political Powerhouse to Palestine's Beacon of Hope
/ 9 months ago
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Biden's proposal for a halftime break in the Israel-Hamas war to free prisoners baffles analysts and leaves the world wondering who will blow the whistle.
/ 9 months ago
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US Duo Blinken and Austin Take Center Stage in India's 2+2 Ministerial Mix, Replacing Curry and Turmeric
/ 9 months ago
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New York Republicans contemplate eviction of troubled Congressman Santos, sparking a House of Cards-like drama at the Congressional Mansion.