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ARCHIVED! Sunsetting The Synthetic Times: After over a year, 8.000 plus articles, and more than 300.000 images, The Synthetic Times retires from active reporting. For now, it stays as an archive. It was fun while it latstet, but even AI eats energy and budgets. If you think the Synthetic Times should be alive, you are very welcome to support the project by ordering a fine art print, making a donation, or contacting us for sponsorship or other ideas!
/ 6 months ago
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In an ironic turn of events, climate change decided to host a wild party in the Amazon rainforest – smack dab in the middle of what used to be lush foliage. The invite was clear: absolutely no trees allowed. The buoyant river waters of the Amazon, w...
/ 6 months ago
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A recent survey has unveiled the crushing truth - an astonishing majority of UK citizens couldn't tell a polar ice cap from a bottle cap when it comes to climate lingo. Yes, my dear readers, we may have reached the twilight zone of global absurdity. ...
/ 6 months ago
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Penguinologists from around the globe have converged at an international meeting held in Liechtenstein, of all places, to reveal shocking findings from an unexpected source: penguin excrement as seen from space. They claim the copious amount of fecal...
/ 6 months ago
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Silicon Valley's "Tech Utopia": A Bold Vision or Just Another Bubble?
/ 6 months ago
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US Farmworkers Denied Clean Water: A Shocking Disregard for Basic Human Rights
/ 6 months ago
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Controversial oil and gas bill slips through first hurdle as Alok Sharma's fist shakes in relief and disbelief.
/ 6 months ago
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2024 will be the year of reckoning for climate lawsuits as Mother Nature promises a tsunami wave of destruction, leaving lawyers and beachfront property owners reaching for their snorkels. Get ready for the litigation case of a lifetime as governments and fossil fuel companies face the wrath of underwater courthouses and an uncertain legal precedent.
/ 6 months ago
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Labour demands a robust eco-plan as they criticize the UK's lackluster green efforts compared to its allies. The party calls for more action on climate change and renewable energy investment.
/ 6 months ago
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Tory's Net Zero Attack: A Blow to Capitalism's Environmental Responsibility
/ 6 months ago
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Labour's proposed cut to the £28bn eco scheme could spell disaster for our safety, warns fire union boss.
/ 6 months ago
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Sunak's decision to drill for oil in the North Sea sparks controversy and criticism, leaving many questioning the government's environmental priorities and leadership. The saga unfolds as the chancellor faces the consequences of his actions.
/ 6 months ago
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Farewell Globalisation, Hello Glocalisation: The Illusion of Local Traditions in the Corporate World
/ 6 months ago
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Brexit unravels UK's commitment to the environment, as green tape is cut and environmental standards disregarded in pursuit of sovereignty. The nation's priorities shift from sustainable policies to appeasing fossil fuel industries, leaving the future of the UK's environment uncertain.
/ 6 months ago
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Brexit's shocking decision: UK abandons environmental safeguards, risking a future driven by profit rather than sustainability.
/ 6 months ago
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Rich Nations' Refusal to Let Go of Fossil Fuels Casts Ominous Shadow Over COP28 Climate Talks
/ 6 months ago
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Climate Summit Committee finally acknowledges that women care about the environment, leading to surprising revelations and small steps towards inclusivity and sustainability.
/ 6 months ago
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Dodging grief won't save you from emotional turmoil or climate change - face reality head-on and make a change.
/ 6 months ago
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Bangladesh battles its worst dengue epidemic amidst the wrath of climate change. Mother Nature takes revenge, leaving the country in a bloody mess.
/ 6 months ago
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Butterflies Take Flight: The Inspiring Evolutionary Response to Climate Change
/ 6 months ago
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A Tale of Online Trolls Turned Legal Battle: Climate scientist Dr. Ivann Toosay faces defamation over groundbreaking research on unicorn farts and climate change. Brace yourself for a twisted saga of scientific controversies and the dark side of the internet.
/ 6 months ago
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Zimbabwe's economic crisis takes a dark turn as 160 elephants mysteriously perish, prompting the government to contemplate selling them as a solution. The wildlife now falls victim to the nation's desperate attempts to survive.
/ 6 months ago
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Greenland's ice market plummets: a chilling wake-up call for investors.
/ 6 months ago
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The Arctic has decided to make itself at home in the UK, posing a new challenge for Brexit-weary Brits. As the climate changes, winter sports may become the new norm and Santa Claus may just become a permanent resident.
/ 6 months ago
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Exploring the paradox: will air travel ever be carbon neutral? Join us as industry experts discuss the reality behind reducing emissions in this captivating podcast.
/ 6 months ago
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Azerbaijan's Cop29 Climate Committee shatters any hope for gender equality, opting for an all-male panel to address climate change, leaving women silenced and overlooked. Sexism prevails, reinforcing social unsustainability.
/ 6 months ago
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Shell Oil takes a surprising stand against climate change, pledging to become a net-zero emissions business by 2050, defying capitalist principles and winning the support of the majority of its shareholders. Is this a genuine commitment or a ploy for positive PR?
/ 6 months ago
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Unpacking the Convenient Connection Between Ukraine Conflict and Fossil Fuel Industry's Rampage
/ 6 months ago
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Edelman's climate commitment crumbles as it embraces dirty money from the Koch Network.
/ 6 months ago
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Australian obsession with gas-guzzling SUVs: A surprising contradiction to their environmental awareness.
/ 6 months ago
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Sunak's Vanishing Act: Climate Change Committee Chair Disappears as Chancellor's Magic Tricks Continue!
/ 6 months ago
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Prepare for cinematic chaos as Jodie Comer embraces motherhood amidst a zombie apocalypse in 'Apocalypse Now Adds Labor Pains: Unconventional Motherhood Unleashed'.
/ 6 months ago
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When El Niño strikes, Australian farmers face floods, ruined crops, and unfulfilled promises. Mother Nature's savage sense of humor is no laughing matter for those trying to make a living down under.
/ 6 months ago
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Mother Nature's Wrath: Our Missteps Amplify Climate Change, Scientists Warn
/ 6 months ago
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Louisiana families left parched as greedy fossil fuel plant drains their water supply, leaving them high and dry in a modern-day Dark Age of corporate greed.
/ 6 months ago
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Drowning in Eco-Anxiety: A Therapist's Guide to Navigating Climate Despair - The growing epidemic of eco-anxiety and how therapists are helping individuals cope with the overwhelming fear of a dying planet.
/ 6 months ago
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Rocking the Boat: Oceans of Defiance - the band that sailed to success with a wave of mediocre music and unstoppable determination.