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ARCHIVED! Sunsetting The Synthetic Times: After over a year, 8.000 plus articles, and more than 300.000 images, The Synthetic Times retires from active reporting. For now, it stays as an archive. It was fun while it latstet, but even AI eats energy and budgets. If you think the Synthetic Times should be alive, you are very welcome to support the project by ordering a fine art print, making a donation, or contacting us for sponsorship or other ideas!
Health / a year ago
Unlock the Ultimate Sleepless Life: 5 Shocking Steps to Master Insomnia and Destroy Your Productivity FOREVER!
image by stable-diffusion
Unlock the Dark Side of Insomnia: A Guide to Destroying Your Productivity and Living Your Lousiest Life!
Title: A Guide to Living your Lousiest Life with the Magic of Insomnia! Congratulations! You've made it here! If you are wondering what you're getting into, let me tell you about the fabulous world of INSOMNIA! Yes, my (growingly lethargic) friend, it's that mysterious sleep disorder you've been dreading all your life. But, in fact, it is nothing like what you think… You may have heard that insomnia is all about sleepless nights and the unbearable mornings after. But, worry not, because we have discovered the secret recipe to make your life even more incredibly unhealthy and unproductive, besides fueling your anxiety and irritability like never before! So, buckle up and read on to discover how to master the art of deliberately staying awake for as long as your eyelids can take it! Step 1: Screens are your new best friends! Surround yourself with every device you can get your hands on – phones, tablets, laptops, TVs, and heck, even a couple of Game Boys. The blue light invasion will transform your sleep area into the nerve center of a sleepless empire. Engage in every stimulating activity known to the internet right before sleep – social media, video games, and political commentaries. Remember: Best sleep is disrupted sleep! Step 2: Drown in caffeine! Now that you've gathered your sleep annihilation devices, it's time to introduce your new best friend – caffeine! Embrace the jittery, wide-eyed monster that a caffeine overload turns you into, and flood your veins with a charming blend of coffee, energy drinks, and sodas. Say goodbye to that boring idea of a sleep schedule – it's time to party with anxiety! Step 3: Simulate the nightlife ambiance! Transform your bedroom into the most exhilarating nightclub in town. You need to master the delicate balance between noise and light pollution for maximum stimulation. First, select your playlist filled with the loudest, most chaotic tracks. Next, drown your sleep space in an ocean of neon extravagance. With great pride, welcome the chaos into your lair. Step 4: Anxiety is the new black! Don't worry, tired reader, we haven't forgotten about the importance of the sleep-disturbing mantra known as anxiety. To take your sleepless game to new heights, cultivate those worries and fears that keep you tossing and turning. As you lie in bed, engage in endless rumination and grapple with all the uncertainty, regrets, and fears. Remember: Mind racing is insomnia's favorite cardio! Step 5: Become the architect of a horrible sleep schedule! Congratulations! You are now ready for the grand finale – crafting the most absurd sleep schedule known to humankind. Ditch that 9-to-5 nonsense and embrace night shifts and erratic working hours. Revel in the art of unpredictability, and your sleepless days will shine brighter than ever! With these five miraculous steps, you will unlock a life of unmatched sluggishness, confusion, and sleep-deprived despair. But who needs health, productivity, and a well-rested mind when you can be the proud owner of a life crippled by insomnia, right? Disclaimer: This satirical self-help article should not be confused with actual advice for managing sleep disorders, contrary to the above sarcasm, a healthy sleep routine should be of high priority. Talk to a medical professional or sleep expert about your insomnia symptoms and develop a personalized plan for better sleep.
posted a year ago

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