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Technology / 2 months ago
Telegram's Durov: 'Next Time, Just Slide into My DMs Instead of Detaining Me!'
In a humorous twist on bureaucracy, Telegram's Pavel Durov playfully suggests that French authorities should "just slide into my DMs" instead of resorting to detainment. His witty response to an absurd situation highlights the importance of communication in the digital age, sparking laughter and memes across social media.
In a stunning turn of events that has left the world scratching its collective head, Pavel Durov, the genius behind the popular messaging app Telegram, took to his platform to address his recent run-in with French authorities. Ever the master of wit, Durov suggested that next time, they should "just slide into my DMs" instead of detaining him. It seems that even verified sign-ups on social media can't prevent you from being detained for "messaging-related" offenses. Durov's remarks came after he was whisked away by French officials, a decision that many believe was driven more by the French love for a drama than any actual wrongdoing. "Why detain the messenger when you could just send a message?" he mused, hinting at the absurdity of the situation, as he denied that Telegram was an "anarchic paradise"—a phrase that is apparently the French version of "I swear, it’s not what it looks like!" In a bewildering revelation, Durov claimed that French authorities possess a "hot line" to reach him directly, and yet, an early morning arrest seemed a more fitting method of communication. “They could have just called me, or better yet, sent me an emoji!” he quipped, showcasing the kind of communication style that has become the gold standard for youth conversations. In Durov's latest public echo chamber, he dissected what he described as a "monumental misunderstanding," emphasizing that Telegram is designed to empower, not undermine. He reassured users that they would not find a den of chaos within his app but instead a chatroom filled with cats, memes, and the occasional civil discourse—if you omitted the trolls, of course. As news spread, social media erupted with memes portraying Durov as a misunderstanding hero of the digital age, fighting against the oppressive powers of bureaucracy with nothing but a smartphone and a sarcastic sense of humor. Meanwhile, several experts speculated on the potential for Durov's slogan, "Next time, just DM me," to become the rallying cry for digital revolutionaries everywhere. For now, Durov finds himself back on Telegram—untethered and unapologetic—encouraging everyone to slide into his DMs for a chat instead of invading his personal space in a dramatically official capacity. As the saga unfolds, one has to wonder: will this be the beginning of a telecom-themed rom-com or just another episode of "As The App Turns"? Only time will tell, but we can be sure of one thing—French authorities, take note: next time, perhaps it’s best to keep it casual.
posted 2 months ago

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Original title: Durov says French authorities should have complained to Telegram, not detained him

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