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Technology / 2 months ago
Telegram's Durov Detained: Caught in a 'Group Chat' with French Law Enforcement!
Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, faces unexpected entanglements with French law enforcement in a humorous twist on internet moderation woes. As he awaits his court appearance, the world speculates on the fate of both Durov and his app amidst a chaotic 'group chat' gone awry.
In a shocking turn of events, Pavel Durov, the enigmatic billionaire behind the wildly popular Telegram messaging app, found himself in a little “group chat” with French law enforcement this past Saturday. The Paris Bourget airport was the unexpected venue for this high-profile meet-and-greet, where Durov was allegedly detained while trying to escape the realities of internet moderation via his private jet. Sources close to the scene reported that Durov, clearly trying to take communication to new heights, was intercepted just as he attempted to “log off” from France. An arrest warrant had been issued, citing concerns over the app's distinct lack of moderators—because, apparently, the French police felt that the UN-validated conference of “Telegram Users Who Definitely Don’t Have a Clue” required more supervision. As Durov sat in the terminal, waiting for his flight to possibly anywhere but under French jurisdiction, the police reportedly inquired if he had considered a backup plan in case things went south. Durov, apparently undeterred, quipped that he thought the whole situation was just a “temporary suspension” from his own app. Witnesses say a misunderstanding erupted when Durov tried to explain that on Telegram, there's actually a feature for "unlimited messaging freedom," which perhaps isn't quite what the French authorities had in mind when they raised concerns about organized crime groups using the platform. In a bizarre twist, the police humorously suggested creating a “moderators’ union” for users who feel left out of the conversation—just another initiative to bring civility to the often-chaotic world of instant messaging. Upon hearing that the investigation revolved around the perceived "lack of moderators," Durov allegedly replied, “Have you tried turning it off and back on again?” As officers exchanged confused glances, it became clear everyone much preferred texting to face-to-face interactions. Amidst all the chaos, one officer was overheard muttering about starting a “ChatPal” service that would help users translate the nuances of social etiquette into manageable chunks—thereby remedying the communication crisis for both app users and the police. With the world watching, Durov is expected to appear in court soon to defend his case. Rumor has it he's already considering launching a new Telegram sticker pack: “Free Durov,” replete with animated emojis depicting villains, mysterious government agents, and, of course, a sad face peeking from behind a screen. In a final, patriotic twist, French officials delightedly shared that this unexpected cameo by Durov was all part of a new initiative to leverage celebrity interests in improving public service engagement—all thanks to a little-known clause in the French Bulletin of Must-Meet Mandatory Figures in Law Enforcement. As the story develops, social media is abuzz with users wondering if Durov will return to the chat and how many likes his 'Detained in France' meme will get. Stay tuned—after all, no one can resist a good group chat gone wrong!
posted 2 months ago

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Original title: Breaking: Telegram Founder Durov Arrested by French Police

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