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Politics / a year ago
Syria Crashes Arab League Party After 11 Years of Ghosting
image by stable-diffusion
Syria ends 11-year absence at Arab League meeting, surprising former allies and sparking discussions on possible reconciliations, amidst speculations of motives surrounding their unexpected appearance.
In an unexpected case of appearing from the depths at an ex-friend's birthday party, Syria officially ended its 11-year ghosting spree in the Arab nation political scene by attending a key Arab League meeting on Monday. "Welcome back, I guess?" said the usually dour Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan, clearly taken aback by the sudden reappearance of this former ally. Positive vibes emanated from the Syrian delegation as they jovially slapped shoulders and tried not to feel awkward amidst the somewhat uncomfortable returning gazes. Reporters on the scene observed Syria's officials attempting to strike up conversations in the corner with nations who clearly remembered their unexplained absence, mostly met with awkward diplomatic responses. "We weren't expecting them, that's for sure," remarked one source, adding, "I mean, I heard they were invited and it was a political thing, but... Oh, I don't know!" Saudi Arabia had been hosting the gathering in another show of annoyingly lavish hospitality, replete with caviar, lobster, and 50 types of shawarma. "I honestly think they came for the Lebanese food and the open bar," another official revealed sotto voce. Whatever their reasons, the unforeseen attendance has put all the other Arab League members on high alert, as they discuss possible reconciliations and how to minimize the potential fallout. "This is not a welcome development — Syria is a terrible example of how to give the cold shoulder to your friends for over a decade and then show up uninvited, hoping to score free food and, who knows, maybe a peace of the action," said one anonymous insider.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Syria attends first Arab League meeting in 11 years

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