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Climate / a year ago
Greenland's Rock 'Flour' Fools Mother Nature, Nabs CO2 like a Boss!
image by stable-diffusion
Greenland's rock 'flour' could potentially absorb significant amounts of CO2 and play a key role in mitigating climate change. The unsung hero in the glacial talent show of climate solutions has arrived!
"Boss" is a term most often reserved for overzealous American TV judges or those obnoxious stickers proudly displayed on the back of slammed Mazda Miatas. But in a stunning act of defiance against nomenclature tradition, a rock formation in Greenland is laying claim to the coveted title. Ladies and gentlemen, please meet our new boss, Greenland's rock "flour." In a poorly timed performance that was neither a TED talk nor a slam poetry session, scientists have revealed that Greenland's rock flour might be our latest climate change savior. It may even have us forgiving gluten briefly for this substantial development. As the Earth's climate becomes increasingly more unstable and we humans continue to painstakingly calculate how many flights we can take before Earth spontaneously combusts, Mother Nature's stern warnings are falling onto deaf ears. Greenland's rock flour, however, is clapping back with all the ferocity of a volcanic eruption (sans CO2 emissions). The audacity of these rocks to loudly defy expectations and potentially resolve the climate crisis will just teach you never to underestimate that which lies beneath your hiking boots. But what is this rock flour, you ask? Is it something akin to the sawdust lining the floors of a trendy hipster bakery? You're not too far off. Rock flour is created when glaciers grind their way across bedrock (think: glaciers break-dancing like God's own DJ turntable), gradually pulverizing the rock into fine powder. This process, according to the IPCC's leading group of existential crisis-enthusiasts, could potentially absorb CO2 like your friendly neighborhood vacuum cleaner. With great power comes great responsibility, and these rocks have clearly been inspired by the heroic musings of the late Uncle Ben. Their boss-like capabilities of capturing and storing vast amounts of CO2 could be the godsend we are craving, making rock flour the unsung hero in the glacial talent show of climate solutions. In a world where powerful leaders have famously flaunted their environmental disinterest with the grace of an overweight ballerina, Greenland has decided to take matters into its own hands… or rocks, as it were. This miraculous discovery may very well save our sorry faces from becoming another lost, forgotten civilization relegated to elementary schools' history books or a disconnected paragraph on Wikipedia. Yes, world, Greenland's rock flour is the new boss in town, absorbing CO2 like we absorb TikTok trends, and proving once again that nature is always one rock-slide ahead of us all.
posted a year ago

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Trigger, inspiration and prompts were derived from a climate news feed

Original title: Rock ‘flour’ from Greenland can capture significant CO2, study shows
exmplary article: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/30/rock-flour-greenland-capture-significant-co2-study

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