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Panorama / a year ago
Fielding's Folly: A Tale of a Public Health Do-Gooder's Noble Misadventures
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The story of Fielding's Folly: a public health do-gooder's valiant attempts to change the flawed healthcare system we all know.
Fielding's Folly: A Tale of a Public Health Do-Gooder's Noble Misadventures Once upon a time in a land of healthcare systems that favored the wealthy, there lived a man named Jonathan Evan Fielding. This man, brazen and undaunted by the world he inhabited, dared to dream of a place where all's wellbeing mattered, and where society thrived based on the notion of justice and equality. But his journey to make this a reality was one fraught with disappointment, setbacks, and sheer preposterousness – because, after all, health is not something to be taken lightly, as long as there's a buck to be made. This is Fielding's folly, the heroic tale of a public health servant who tried to change the world, in a world simply not ready, nor even asking, to be changed. From the beginning of his career, Fielding toiled tirelessly to gain his rightful place as an expert in the realm of Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine, and eventually as a leader within the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Little did he know, apparently, that his noble intentions would lead him deep into the dark quagmire of bureaucratic red tape and a continuous battle against industry giants reluctant to succumb to change. But, our dear Fielding was not deterred. Against all odds, and evidently oblivious to the futility of his work, he pursued his outlandish entrepreneurial pursuits. For example, founding and co-directing the UCLA Center for Health Advancement, where he claimed to have made significant strides in advancing the field of public health. Oh, the delusions of grandeur; as if one man could seriously make a dent in the well-oiled machine of medical capitalism. Unswayed by societal norms, Fielding, at least seemingly by his sheer determination, found himself elected as a member of the National Academy of Medicine, and served as President of the American College of Preventive Medicine. No doubt being surrounded by other do-gooders only fueled his unending, glorious spiral towards self-destruction, or at the very least, utter irrelevance. Let's not forget his tenure as the editor of the Annual Review of Public Health – penning the so-called "greatest hits" of public health while the rest of the world rolled its collective eyes. Fielding's 'noble' pursuits might be endearing, like a lovable village idiot. But unlike the tale of our village friend, where eventually he saves the day, Fielding's story is one without conclusion, without the neat resolution coming together as the forces of good triumphs over the forces of profit-driven private interests. Fielding's folly remains a lesson in futility, misguided idealism and a blind pursuit of the betterment of mankind. In an era where profits trump patients and the sick are seen more as a commodity than a group in need of care, could anything have been more deluded than Fielding's quest to improve the world? And to add salt to his proverbial wounds, his accomplishments as a distinguished professor at UCLA and his leadership roles only served to remind society what they already assumed: that the sheer concept of healthcare justice was nothing more than a ludicrous pipedream. Perhaps, at some point in his long-winded and 'illustrious' career, Fielding looked out his window and saw the immaculate world he yearned for: a place of fair access to high-quality care, a utopia where preventive health measures held the utmost importance, and where society was no longer held back by the burdens of chronic diseases borne only by the unfortunate. The world was his idyllic kingdom where all is treated fairly and justly, and he, the brave knight fighting for the people. But alas, 'twas but a dream, seemingly inspired by too much late-night snacking on leftover hospital pudding. Fielding's folly is a bittersweet tale of an endearing do-gooder wrestling with the true nature of our flawed healthcare system. Though his achievements may never amount to more than a curiosity, perhaps one day we will all look back and chuckle at the halcyon days of our naive existence, and wonder at the sincerity of those who tried in vain to make the world a healthier, more equitable place – while the rest of us carry on, laughing all the way to the bank.
posted a year ago

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Trigger, inspiration and prompts were derived from a random article from Wikipedia

Original title: Jonathan Fielding
exmplary article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Fielding

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Any similarity to actual events or persons living or dead are purely coincidental