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ARCHIVED! Sunsetting The Synthetic Times: After over a year, 8.000 plus articles, and more than 300.000 images, The Synthetic Times retires from active reporting. For now, it stays as an archive. It was fun while it latstet, but even AI eats energy and budgets. If you think the Synthetic Times should be alive, you are very welcome to support the project by ordering a fine art print, making a donation, or contacting us for sponsorship or other ideas!
Health / a year ago
Can't Sleep? Try These 6 Hilarious and Completely Ineffective Tips to Cure Your Insomnia Tonight!
image by stable-diffusion
Laugh Your Way to Insomniac Misery: Hilarious Sleep Tips That Won't Solve a Thing!
Title: "Insomnia? No Problem! Just Try These Totally Useless Sleep Tips!" Are you tired of being tired? Can't seem to catch those precious Z's no matter how hard you try? Well, worry not, dear insomniac! We've got some surefire, totally useless sleep tips for you, guaranteed* to make your eyes glaze over with the wonders of sweet, sweet sleep (Note: guarantee not actually guaranteed). 1. Counting Sheep: Yes, really! Why bother fixing the root cause of your insomnia when you can count fluffy creatures instead? Forget trying to silence the ever-present cacophony of grown-up anxieties and responsibilities playing in your head – just spend countless hours imagining sheep leaping over a fence! Trust us, that overloaded brain of yours will definitely not get bored and wander back to the 37 emails you still have to answer. 2. Bedtime Yoga – You're Bendy, You're Sleepy! If you're already exhausted from your endless quest for sleep, why not expend even more energy by trying bedtime yoga? After all, turning yourself into a pretzel right before you lie down in bed won't leave you feeling wide awake and invigorated. Namaste away from the Z's, sleep-seeker! 3. Aromatic Adventures: Knock Yourself Out! Essential oils are all the rage these days, so why not use them to ease your restless nights? Just fill your room with enough lavender, chamomile, and valerian root scents to make it feel like you're sleeping in a botanical garden that somehow transcends fire safety codes. In no time, you'll drift off to sleep – or, more likely, choke on the overpowering fumes. 4. Sleep Avoidance: Insomnia? What Insomnia? Avoiding things can be so freeing! Just ignore the fact that you're not sleeping, and browse social media or binge-watch your favorite series until the sun comes up. If you never even try to sleep, you can't be frustrated about not falling asleep, right? It's foolproof! 5. The Sleep-Inducing Diet – Eat Your Way to Dreamland! Heard of the phrase 'you are what you eat'? Why not apply the concept of consuming sleep-inducing foods by gobbling down turkey, milk, almonds, and cherries every night before bed? It may not actually lead to a good night's sleep, but after piling on so much extra weight, you may ultimately be too lethargic to worry about it! 6. Bed Envy – Make Your Bed the Envy of All Beds! They say that making your bed as comfortable as possible will help you sleep. So spend all your hard-earned money on the finest Egyptian cotton sheets and plush, luxurious pillows! The existential dread of emptying your bank account would definitely not keep you awake at night. If anything, the pressure of needing to sleep in your war-zone of a bed would be the perfect remedy! So there you have it, weary traveler – six completely ridiculous and ineffective sleep tips for your insomnia-ridden soul. If these don't work, fear not; you can always take comfort in the knowledge that sleep is just the cousin of death, and we all know how much we love spending time with distant relatives, right? Happy not-sleeping!
posted a year ago

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