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Politics / a year ago
Breaking: Black Republican Senator Tim Scott Seeks 2024 Presidential Nomination; GOP Collectively Checks Calendars to Ensure it's Not April Fools
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Black Republican Senator Tim Scott stuns the GOP by filing paperwork for a possible presidential run in 2024, leaving party members scrambling to confirm if it's a real candidacy or an elaborate prank.
Breaking: Black Republican Senator Tim Scott Seeks 2024 Presidential Nomination; GOP Collectively Checks Calendars to Ensure it's Not April Fools COLUMBIA, S.C. - In a move that has sent shockwaves through the Republican Party and prompted party members nationwide to double-check their calendars, Black Republican Senator Tim Scott has filed the paperwork to run for President in 2024. "We were sure it was some sort of elaborate prank," confessed one high-ranking party official, speaking on condition of anonymity. "I mean, a Black Republican candidate, with real policies and everything? Surely, this is someone's idea of a joke." Senator Scott, the only Black Republican in the Senate, seems to be taking it all in stride. "America is ready for a new type of candidate," he stated, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he would have to get past his own party's racist dog whistles to have a shot at winning the nomination. The GOP senator launched a $6 million ad campaign in key presidential primary states on Friday, featuring a diverse group of racially ambiguous individuals speaking about their support for Scott. Republican party members have since been busy searching for clues that the whole thing is a brilliantly orchestrated hoax. "Surely someone is behind this," insisted a nervous Republican strategist, visibly agitated as they scrutinized the ads for any hint of satire or irony. "I mean, Tim's a great guy and all, but since when do Republicans willingly put forward candidates who don't fit the stereotypical mold? It's just not what we do!" Joining former President Donald Trump in the race to take back the White House, Scott remains optimistic that he can bring a new approach to the Republican Party. However, one GOP operative noted that "career-wise, he should be more careful. We already let one in," referring to the many shocked reactions when former President Barack Obama, a Democrat, secured the presidency. "Another Black president could signal the end of our time-honored tradition of white presidents. It's a risky move." Senator Scott is expected to make a formal announcement on May 22. Meanwhile, the GOP remains on high alert for any signs of deception, satire, or ironic twists related to this apparently unexpected development in their primary race.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Republican Sen. Tim Scott files to run for president in 2024

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