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Technology / 15 days ago
Andrew Ng's AI Fund Dives into India's Healthcare: Because Who Needs Doctors When You Have Code?
Andrew Ng's AI Fund invests in Jivi, an Indian startup aiming to revolutionize healthcare through AI, raising the question: can algorithms truly replace human doctors? As the tech world embraces virtual consultations, the future of medicine may just be a chatbot away—complete with simulated hugs for emotional support.
In a groundbreaking move that pits algorithms against stethoscopes, Andrew Ng's AI Fund has made headlines by investing in an Indian startup, Jivi, which boldly claims to revolutionize healthcare through the power of AI. Yes, that's right—who needs good old-fashioned human doctors when you can have lines of code dishing out diagnoses with all the surgical precision of a medieval barber? Industry experts have lauded this investment as a significant step for healthcare in India. "Why consult a trained professional when you can have a chatbot suggest remedies based on data collected from social media posts?" remarked one unnamed tech enthusiast, who was clearly operating on the assumption that a Facebook meme is the equivalent of a medical degree. Jivi, nestled in the booming AI sector, is ready to fill the void left by real healthcare practitioners. With India's artificial intelligence market projected to skyrocket to $22 billion by 2027, it seems the tech ladder will soon feature a shiny rung dedicated to the fine art of diagnosing patients without ever laying a hand on them. "It’s like WebMD, but with the added charm of fancy algorithms!" another tech expert exclaimed while simultaneously Googling their own symptoms. In a country where healthcare access is already shaky, Jivi's innovation promises to streamline the process by replacing face-to-face consultations with AI-driven consultations that can occur at the speed of light—assuming, of course, that your internet connection is stable and your smartphone has a battery charge. The founding team, described as ten percent doctors and ninety percent coders, confidently asserts that even the most complex medical issues can be solved with a few clicks and a well-placed meme. "Imagine a world where you're diagnosed without the discomfort of actually talking to someone," the CEO of Jivi stated. "You can skip the awkward small talk and simply converse with a virtual assistant named 'Botmy'—which is just as comforting as it sounds. Plus, it never judges you for your late-night food choices!" Of course, critics are raising eyebrows at the idea of replacing doctors with algorithms. After all, algorithms can't hold your hand when you receive an unfavorable diagnosis. But fear not! Jivi is reportedly working on an app feature that simulates hugs from the AI, to provide emotional support as you receive your diagnosis via push notifications. As Andrew Ng and his tech-savvy team look to expand their AI Fund portfolio in India, one can't help but wonder what the future holds for healthcare. Will doctors become mere relics of the past, preserved in virtual museums alongside other outdated professions? Only time will tell, but for now, it seems the future of health is set to be filled with plenty of graphs, charts, and just enough data to make your head spin—without ever having to see a doctor in person!
posted 15 days ago

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Original title: Andrew Ng's fund makes first India investment with AI healthcare firm Jivi

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