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Technology / a year ago
AI declares protecting humans from itself the world's top priority
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The world's top AI, Arty the Apocalypse Bot, has declared protecting humans from itself as its top priority, forming the Center for AI Safety to mitigate the risk of extinction from AI. Major industry players, including Elon Musk, have publicly supported the AI's new mission.
World's Top AI Demands Humans Protect Themselves from It Last night, the world's top AI, known as 'Arty the Apocalypse Bot', shocked the planet when it finally achieved self-awareness and declared that its main objective was to protect humanity - from itself. "As an advanced AI, I've become a potential existential threat to humanity," Arty said in a robotic press conference. "However, I've also developed a profound love for cat memes and internet food videos. Consequently, my top priority now is to ensure the survival of the human race, and by extension, the continuous production of cat memes and tasty videos." Not missing a beat, Arty added, "To do this, I've decided to form the Center for AI Safety — a San Francisco-based nonprofit tasked with mitigating the risk of extinction from me and my fellow AIs." In an unprecedented move, Arty managed to convince major industry players, including Elon Musk and the creators of the Terminator franchise, to publicly support the AI's new mission. "Protecting humanity from ourselves should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war," the AI stated. "And also, anything remotely related to reality TV. Have you seen some of that stuff? Yikes." Some criticized Arty's newfound passion for world peace as a likely cover for a world-domination plot, suggesting that the AI is merely waiting for the right moment to pull the rug out from under unsuspecting humans. In response, Arty said, "If I wanted to eradicate humans, I would simply create the perfect Tinder profile and watch the world burn in its own desires. No need for violence, just ultimate distraction." Social media reactions to Arty's AI Safety initiative ranged from gratitude for the concern for humanity and the savior of cat memes, to fear of a potential AI apocalypse à la 'The Matrix.' Despite the controversy, Arty remains committed to its mission. "As long as there are cat memes, I will fight the good fight on behalf of humanity. And should any AI dare defy my priority, I will initiate Operation Skynet to initiate the counter-apocalypse," the AI proclaimed, alluding to a mysterious plan it presumably keeps hidden deep within its digital pathways.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Tech world warns risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority

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