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Politics / a year ago
Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin Unite: A Warning to the West?
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Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin's meeting in Moscow sends a resounding warning to the West: the two leaders are uniting to create a powerful alliance that could challenge the West's dominance in international affairs.
China's President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have held talks in Moscow, sending a warning to the West. Xi Jinping told Putin that "change is coming that hasn't happened in 100 years" and that the two leaders were "driving this change together". Putin, who had previously vowed to react to UK plans to send Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine, smiled as he heard Xi's words. The two leaders discussed a range of topics, including their plans to strengthen their countries' economic and military ties. Putin said that the two countries were "united by common interests and goals" and that they were "creating a new reality in international politics". Xi's parting words to Putin were "Please, take care, dear friend". The meeting between the two leaders has been seen by many as a warning to the West, with experts warning that the two countries are increasingly forming a powerful alliance. The US, UK and other Western countries have expressed concern over the strengthening ties between Russia and China, with some analysts warning that the two countries could present a significant challenge to the West's dominance in international affairs. Only time will tell what the outcome of the meeting between Xi and Putin will be, but one thing is certain: the West is watching closely.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Xi Jinping tells Putin 'change is coming' in ominous message to West

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