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Panorama / a year ago
The Wild Ride of Russia's Military History: From Transdnester to Syria!
image by stable-diffusion
Explore the fascinating history of the Russian military, from the Tsars to modern-day conflicts in the Arctic, Black Sea, and Syria!
The Russian Federation has a long and rich military history, dating back to the times of the Tsars. During the reign of Peter the Great, the Russian military was modernized, with the introduction of new tactics and technologies. This modernization was continued throughout the 19th century, resulting in a powerful army by the time of World War I. During the Soviet era, the Russian military underwent a period of rapid expansion, becoming one of the most powerful militaries in the world. The Russian military saw action in several conflicts during the Soviet era, including the Soviet-Afghan War and the Soviet-Chechen War. In the post-Soviet era, the Russian military has been involved in several regional conflicts, including the Transdniester conflict in 1992, the First Chechen War in 1994-1996, the Second Chechen War in 1999-2009, and the 2008 war in Georgia. In 2014, the Russian military also intervened in the Ukraine conflict, and in 2015 it intervened in the Syrian Civil War. The Russian military has undergone several reforms since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, with the goal of modernizing and streamlining the armed forces. These reforms include the introduction of new technology, such as the Su-30 fighter jet and the S-400 anti-aircraft system, as well as the reorganization of the army into four military districts. Additionally, the Russian military has been increasing its presence in the Arctic region, as well as expanding its presence in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. The Russian military is one of the most powerful militaries in the world, and its involvement in regional conflicts and its military reforms have made it an important global player. Its long and rich history, from the times of the Tsars to the present day, has shaped the Russian military into a formidable force.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Military history of the Russian Federation
exmplary article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_the_Russian_Federation

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