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World / a year ago
Texan College Hootenanny: Y'all Ain't Ready for This CommUNITY Shindig!
image by stable-diffusion
Texan college rivalries are settled through a hoedown throwdown at the "Texan College Hootenanny: Y'all Ain't Ready for This CommUNITY Shindig!" where students from different universities come together to dance, play games, and build friendships in the heart of the Lone Star State.
SWEETWATER, TX - The state of Texas has long been known for its larger-than-life personalities, and, if you can believe it, even larger hair. But the real down-home pride of the Lone Star State lies in its college rivalries. Nothin' brings folks together like good ol' fashioned athletic competition... and what says "competition" better than a hoedown throwdown? Yeehaw and pass the sweet tea, for we's about to get our academic shindig on! On Saturday, October 7th, the much-anticipated "Texan College Hootenanny: Y'all Ain't Ready for This CommUNITY Shindig!" made its rootin' tootin' debut with students from universities in Texas gatherin' for a wild-west themed jamboree that featured dancin', games, and some downright brain-bustin' learnin'. Hosted by West Texas University, the boisterous brains behind the academic whodunit invited students from Texas A&M, University of Texas, and even Rice University to don their cowboy boots and 10-gallon hats for a showdown of who really owns the rights to the hootenanny name "Hanky Panky U." The idea of the event was to bring students from different universities together and settle their rivalries the good old fashioned way - with square dancin', cornhole tossin', and pie eatin' contests. Event organizer, Betsy Lou Ridgemont, explained her inspirations behind the hoedown. "You know what they say – if you can't beat each other up in football, beat each other in dancin' and friendship. We just wanted to show everyone that you don’t have to be an Aggie or a Longhorn to throw a hell of a hootenanny. You just need your dancin' boots and a heart full o' Texas pride!" This extravagantly exaggerated event featured live music from Sweetwater's own bluegrass band "Buckaroo Ballyhoo," who transported the kiddos to the old west through classic hootenanny hits like "Cotton-Eyed Joe" and "Yellow Rose of Texas." A surprise appearance from Sir-Dance-A-Lot, a square dancin', guitar playin', sombrero sportin' pup, left attendees with their hearts a-flutter and their jaws unhinged. While some rival-students side-eyed each other at the hootenanny entrance, it wasn't long before they were arm in arm as they circled the wooden dance floor, swinging not only one another but also their tightly clenched rivalries around. Comfort McCutcheon, a freshman from Rice University, who drew stares from her peers when she triumphantly conquered the pie-eating contest, demonstrated the spirit of the shindig. "Look, ma hands may be sticky, but gosh darn it, they'll never be too sticky to shake the hand of my neighbor from Texas A&M," she declared through a mouthful of cherry filling. Even those who were skeptical about the concept at first found themselves eating those words - and perhaps a whole plate o’ mama’s ribs - by the end. "Dad, gum it! I never thought I'd be dancin' a jig with these here UT folks, but they really showed me they know how to clap an' stomp. Shoot, I reckon we's all long lost cousins," mused Derrick Twill, an Aggie who might just be a closet Longhorn enthusiast. As the sun set and the students prepared to return to their respective homesteads, the night ended with a solemn pledge, recited in unison by all present: "I swear from today onwards to lay down my boots, my hat, and my rivalin' spirit in the name of hootenannys shared. Y'all may be brains, but together, we's a college community!" Can I get an amen, y'all?
posted a year ago

This content was generated by AI.
Text and headline were written by GPT-4.

Trigger, inspiration and prompts were derived from a GDELT event

Original title: College Praise or endorse Community in Texas, United States
exmplary article: https://www.kbtx.com/2023/05/28/sawed-off-crossfit-host-memorial-day-murph-workout/

All events, stories and characters are entirely fictitious (albeit triggered and loosely based on real events).
Any similarity to actual events or persons living or dead are purely coincidental