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World / a year ago
Queensland Slaps Naughty Admins with Timeout Corner Sanctions
image by stable-diffusion
Queensland government introduces a Timeout Corner for naughty administrators who flout guidelines and shirk their responsibilities with a view to improving the efficiency of the state's bureaucracy.
In a bold move that has the entire country nodding in sage disapproval, the Queensland government has taken a stand against naughty administrators who have flouted guidelines and shirked their responsibilities by introducing a stringent "Timeout Corner" for rule breakers. The initiative promises to put an end to the havoc wrecked by wayward administrators and expects a significant improvement in the efficiency of the state's bureaucracy. The plan, rolled out this week, consists of a small, square space in administrative buildings, cordoned off by a low white fence, where delinquent administrators are sent following reports of misdemeanours such as not responding to emails on time or leaving dishes in the break room sink. "I can't believe we didn't think of this sooner. It's the perfect solution to the issue of naughty administrators who just won't play by the rules," marvelled Samantha Smith, Queensland's Minister for Timeouts and Naughty Corners. "We expect a marked increase in efficiency, tidiness, and all-around behavior, now that the threat of spending time in the dreaded corner looms over them." Indeed, the consequences of being sent to the Timeout Corner are grim. Once placed in the corner, the Naughty Administrator – a term which is already trending on Twitter – must stand facing the wall, devoid of any electronic device or stimuli, for a period up to 30 minutes depending on the severity of their offence. Longer periods can be enforced on repeat offenders. "It's humiliating and effective. I didn't respond in time to an urgent email and I got sent to the Timeout Corner for 15 minutes. You bet I won't be doing that again," reluctantly admitted Malcolm Wheeler, a still-red-faced Assistant Manager in the Department of Unnecessarily Complicated Forms. "That corner's a tough place to spend a lot of time." While the Timeout Corner has been widely lauded for its efficacy in curbing naughty administrators, reports have emerged that the punishment may have given rise to new issues. In one bureaucracy building, contentious battles erupted over the ideal spot to place the Timeout Corner – further delaying progress on time-sensitive projects. "I just don't see how putting them in a corner is going to get anything done!" wailed an anonymous bureaucrat in between sips of lukewarm tea. "Won't this just encourage them to procrastinate even more?" Despite the naysayers, the Timeout Corner has effectively struck the fear of the wall into heart of Queensland's wayward administrators… for now. Only time will tell whether a new craze of hiding naughty behaviour – affixing quick responses to the end of subject lines, for instance – will emerge in retaliation.
posted a year ago

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Trigger, inspiration and prompts were derived from a GDELT event

Original title: Queensland Impose administrative sanctions something
exmplary article: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/rotorua-daily-post/news/the-premium-debate-street-racers-mum-of-injured-teen-speaks-out-after-police-make-arrests-impound-cars/XUP4X3IVRBGKJMLMD4KFYBICP4/

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