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Politics / 12 days ago
Obama Declares Kamala Harris 'Ready for President' – Because Who Needs a Playbook When You Have a Vice President's Chair?
In a bold declaration that redefines the Vice Presidency, Barack Obama proclaims Kamala Harris "ready for president," humorously suggesting that mastering the art of the nod is all it takes to lead. As Democrats gear up for the 2024 election, the spectacle of political maneuvering promises a thrilling—and bewildering—ride ahead.
In a stunning rebranding of the Vice Presidency, Barack Obama has come out to declare that Kamala Harris is not just prepared for the presidency—she's actually already been practicing in her very own Vice Presidential sandbox. In a press conference filled with the air of nostalgia and just a hint of desperation, Obama proclaimed that Harris is “ready for president,” while conveniently ignoring the fact that they’ve been essentially playing house for the past few years. “Why use a playbook when you have all the toys right here?” Obama quipped, gesturing to a stack of outdated policy manuals nestled in a corner. “Kamala’s been at the helm of the second-highest office in the land, which, as we all know, is just a glorified warm-up act for the big leagues. She’s perfected the art of nodding thoughtfully during meetings and deploying the power of a well-timed eye-roll when someone mentions the need for bipartisanship.” In an electrifying moment that surely left Trump’s hair standing on end, Obama also took a moment to criticize the former president's latest round of rhetorical misfires, which he aptly dubbed “the Return of the Tweetzilla.” “The issues we face are serious,” Obama emphasized, “but right now we need to combat negativity with positivity. And what better way to do that than by showcasing a woman of color ready to confront climate change, economic disparities, and, quite frankly, the possibility of a second Trump presidency?” Harris, visibly unscathed from years of media scrutiny and mounting pressure, grinned like a contestant on a game show. “I’ve spent my time practicing for this role, like a child preparing for a school play. Besides, have you seen my résumé? I even took a course in standing behind a podium confidently,” she boasted, as supporters cheered from the sidelines, many wondering if this level of bravado would score points in next November’s election. The former president's endorsement highlighted what he termed “the historic nature of Kamala’s candidacy”—presumably a euphemism for the fact that she would be the first woman or person of color in the position if she were to win. “We are here to make history, not just to play checkers. This is chess, folks,” Obama declared, wrongly comparing electoral politics to a game fit for a brainiac. “And we’re going to need every piece on our side to ensure that we checkmate the insanity that is trying to claim the Oval Office again.” Democratic insiders noted Obama’s tireless campaigning for Harris, claiming he had even pulled off an impressive feat of political acrobatics—actually convincing people that posting memes about Harris's readiness on social media counts as “campaigning.” Meanwhile, Trump took to his favorite social media platform, insisting that only he could understand the true challenges of the presidency: keeping a never-ending stream of fast food options at the ready and dodging golf outings. As the event wrapped up, the crowd seemed split between enthusiasm for Harris’s potential and bewilderment over Obama’s elaborate game of political Twister. Could the Vice President lead the Democrats to victory, or were they merely inviting chaos to join them on stage? In an age where anything seems possible, one thing is sure: The campaign trail is going to get a lot more interesting—and possibly a lot more confusing—before we all reach the finish line in 2024. Grab your popcorn, folks; it’s time for the political circus to hit the road again!
posted 12 days ago

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Original title: Kamala Harris as prepared to be President as any nominee in past; election going to be tight: Obama

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