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World / a year ago
Mongolia Checks In: China Throws a Party in Atlanbulag, No Yaks Allowed!
Mongolia and China's diplomatic dance continues as China throws a party, but leaves out the beloved yaks. Will this exclusion cause a rift in their quirky relationship?
Ulaanbaatar - Mongolia has stumbled into giddy headlines yet again, as they stubbornly persist with their staple diet of quirky diplomacy. The latest episode took place in Atlanbulag, a small and inconspicuous village right on the precipice of the Mongolia-China border, and a place that typically doesn't garnish international attention - unless there's a runaway yak or a renegade marmot on the loose. But as of the recent news, Atlanbulag was ground zero for a peculiar international party, thrown by none other than China itself. And the guest of honor? Mongolia, of course! According to an official statement from Beijing, "This is a token of friendship, a gentle rapprochement between the two nations". However, whispers behind diplomatic curtains tip-toe around another 'Unspoken Rule of the Great Wall', which states, "When attempting to woo Mongolia, one must not spare expenses or fireworks, but for the love of all things holy, do not invite their yaks!" Despite China's best intentions, Mongolia saw it fit to extend an invitation to their bovine compatriots. However, much to their chagrin, China added a miscellaneous note at the end of their invitation which read, “No plus one if it has horns and utters, Yaks strictly prohibited!” Mongolia, always the pragmatic nation responded, "But what if the yaks promise to behave?" Why such a discriminatory clause? One theory traces back to the infamous 2009 Yak Incident, where a seemingly placid yak, nicknamed "Genghis Kow", caused utter mayhem in a Chinese-Mongolian dinner. On the menu that day - Yak steak! The mastermind behind the yak exclusion policy, Beijing party planner Yuan Pao explained, “We want our Mongolian guests to enjoy themselves, not to spend the evening chasing around a wayward yak with a taste for dim sum!” Mongolian units received the news with a mix of amusement and confusion. "No yaks? But who else will drink China's booz...er...agua?" quipped one nomad, proving Mongolia’s self-mocking humor remains intact even in the face of peculiar diplomacy. Meanwhile, yak herders in Mongolia are considering retaliating by throwing their own party with a “No pandas allowed” policy. A move backed by many Mongolians. Local, Suuny Baumgartner, stated, “If our beloved yaks can’t shimmy in their shindig, then their fluffy pandas can’t prance in ours." Surviving one diplomatic incident at a time, Mongolia clearly leads in the 'You can’t make this up' category. Amid these bizarre revelries, one thing is clear: Mongolia sure knows how to keep the party – and the world – entertained! For now, eyes are peeled towards whether any yaks will gatecrash China's fete and if the yak-less Mongolian delegation will have any cause for dismay. But until any such mammoth disruption occurs or until a globally inclusive party anthem is launched to placify both Mongolian herders and Chinese diplomats, we wait with bated, yak-fur trimmed breath! Stay tuned for more Mongolian mischief – it doesn’t seem like they’re running out anytime soon.
posted a year ago

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Original title: China Host a visit to Mongolia in Altanbulag, Nei Mongol, China
exmplary article: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/2692618/mongolias-new-land-ports-seek-to-broaden-ties-with-china-and-russia-provide-pivotal-link-with-asia-and-europe

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