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Politics / a year ago
Middle East Gets a Tank Full as Hamas Bombs the Party with Israel, Netanyahu Declares Dramatic Play Date Over!
Middle East's Play Date Turns Explosive: Hamas Rockets Ignite Conflict with Israel, Netanyahu Calls it Quits!
In an unexpected move - shocking even to the scriptwriters of Netflix's latest season of "Fauda" - the Middle Eastern equivalent of a friendly neighborhood BBQ went up in flames, and no, they weren't grilling shawarma. Instead, rockets filled the sky in what Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has taken to calling the "Grumpy Gaza Light Show 2021". If you thought your Saturday was eventful, clearly you've never been on the business end of a Hamas-coordinated 'let's-crank-up-the-volume' party. In an event that would make even the most seasoned party crasher blush, Hamas added rocket decor to the already thriving Israel skyline. In an eloquent speech, one that would have brought tears to Shakespeare's eyes – if he were alive, understood Arabic, and was into militant manifestos – senior Hamas military commander, Mohammad Deif, announced that it was officially time to play a round of ‘hit the Israelis with rockets’. “This is the day of the greatest battle to end the last occupation on earth," declared Deif, dramatically brushing aside his beard like the world’s worst hairstylist. Perhaps in true acknowledgement of the adage ‘imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’, Netanyahu responded not with force, but with a determined cancellation of 'play dates' between the two nations. In true kindergarten fashion, the Prime Minister declared, "This playdate is a disaster, and it's over. You guys can't play nice, you can't play at all." On the somewhat brighter side, Israel’s Iron Dome intercept system transformed into a fabulous, impromptu firework display as it ferociously defended Israel's air. The star-studded light show became an Instagram-worthy moment for tourists, who luckily caught the trend before it was incorrectly hashtagged as #PalestinePartyPoopers. While commentators continue to argue about whether the escalated situation is a house party gone bad, or just a terrifying rendition of the Middle East’s Got Talent, one thing is clear - the party is over folks, and the hangover is going to be brutal.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Israeli PM Netanyahu declares 'war' after Hamas militants launch massive attack

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