Entertainment / 2 years ago
Megan Piphus Peace: From Watching 'Sesame Street' to Becoming its First Black Female Puppeteer
Discover the incredible story of Megan Piphus Peace, the first Black female puppeteer to join the cast of "Sesame Street", and experience her passion for puppetry and her unique style and perspective.
Megan Piphus Peace has always had a special connection to puppets. Growing up, she was captivated by the sock puppets on "Lamb Chop's Play-Along," the hand puppets of "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood," and the muppets of "Sesame Street."
Now, Piphus Peace has become the first Black female puppeteer to join the cast of "Sesame Street," a landmark moment for the show that has been on the air since 1969.
"I'm so honored to be a part of the 'Sesame Street' family," Piphus Peace said in a statement. "I'm passionate about puppetry, and I'm excited to bring my unique style and perspective to the show."
Piphus Peace, who is self-taught in puppetry, said that she loves how puppets allow people to enter the imagination of a child.
"You think of a child playing. They're creating their own stories and their own world," she said. "Puppetry is a way to bring that to life and to bring that to the screen."
Piphus Peace joins a cast of incredible puppeteers and actors, including the iconic Big Bird, Elmo, Cookie Monster, and more. Her role on the show will involve creating, performing, and teaching puppetry.
"I'm so excited for what's to come," said Piphus Peace. "I can't wait to share my love of puppetry with the world."
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Original title: She grew up watching '"Sesame Street.'' now she's the show first Black female puppeteer
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