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Politics / a year ago
Maldivian President's First Day on Job: Indian Troops Get Eviction Notice!
President of Maldives initiates Indian troop eviction on his first day in office, stirring up tensions and earning support from his followers. Only time will tell if this move brings about the change he desires or leads to a diplomatic dispute.
It was not just another boring first day for the newly elected President of the Maldives, Mohamed Muizzu. Instead of being handed ceremonial flowers or taking monotonous walks through the government offices, the president decided to play the card of assertiveness and stirred up some heat for our Indian brethren. Getting into the action mode right away, President Muizzu looked at his to-do list and highlighted "Kick Indians out" with a bright yellow marker. Big dreams, as we call them, or perhaps the result of a childhood spent playing too much 'Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines'. As the clock hit 12, he manoeuvred past the swarm of assistants sipping Maldivian tea, clutching his eviction notice in hand. His destination? The office of the Indian Minister of Earth Sciences, Kiren Rijiju. But why the Earth Science Minister? Our guess is as good as yours. Perhaps our confident president believed that just like fading coastlines, even military troops can be evicted under the purview of Earth Sciences. Discarding his apprehensions, he delivered the notice, choosing a sober moment to uproot a military stationed thousands of miles away, because, what could possibly go wrong? "The President formally made the request when he met the Minister of Earth Sciences of India Kiren Rijiju, at the President's Office earlier today," said a spokesperson of the president's office, who briefly interrupted his popping of pink bubble gum to announce the news. The decision, while emerging as a shock to some, was a proud moment for his supporters, who had voted for him on the promise of Indian troop withdrawal. Whether this move brings the change that Muizzu desires or fuels a diplomatic spat - only time will tell. Until then, all we know is that on the first day itself, President Muizzu attempted a feat which naysayers might call crazy. But as they say, in politics, the crazier you are, the higher you rise. We just hope that kicking out Indian troops doesn't come back to kick him. For now, let's give a hoorah for the new guy and his bid to un-Indianise the Maldives!
posted a year ago

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Original title: Maldives formally asks India to withdraw troops

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