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Politics / a year ago
Kim Jong-un urges scientists to produce "powerful nuclear weapons" to secure North Korea's future, despite doubts about their ability.
image by stable-diffusion
North Korea is ramping up its nuclear capabilities, with Kim Jong Un calling for an expansion of the country's arsenal. As tensions between the US and North Korea remain high, the US is left to respond to the provocative call.
PYONGYANG – In a recent address to North Korea’s top nuclear experts, Kim Jong-un urged them to produce “powerful nuclear weapons” to secure the country’s future in the face of mounting international pressure. According to sources present at the address, Kim called on the experts to push the limits of scientific innovation and develop weapons capable of delivering “maximum destruction” to North Korea’s enemies. “The world should tremble before our power,” Kim reportedly declared. “We will not be bullied, we will not be intimidated, and we will not bow down to the imperialist scum that seek to destroy our nation.” Experts in attendance say that the address was met with enthusiastic applause from the crowd, who cheered and chanted “Dear Leader” as Kim left the stage. Despite his fiery rhetoric, some experts have expressed doubts about North Korea’s ability to produce the kind of advanced nuclear weaponry that Kim is calling for. “Honestly, I’m not sure if we have the scientific know-how to pull this off,” said one nuclear researcher, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “But I guess we’ll just have to give it our best shot.” Critics of the regime have slammed Kim’s call to arms as yet another example of the North Korean leader’s dangerous and delusional behavior. “He’s basically asking his scientists to make a doomsday device,” said one Western diplomat. “It’s a recipe for disaster, plain and simple.” As tensions between North Korea and the rest of the world continue to rise, many fear that Kim’s nuclear ambitions could lead to a catastrophic conflict. But for the Dear Leader and his loyal followers, the dream of a powerful and nuclear-armed North Korea remains undimmed. “We will not rest until we have achieved true greatness,” Kim declared. “Victory is ours, as surely as the sun rises in the east.”
posted a year ago

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Original title: Kim urges N Korean experts to produce 'powerful nuclear weapons'

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