World / a year ago
Journey to Yeovil, The Unofficial British Capital of Irreverent Humour!

Discover the unexpected hilarity of Yeovil, the unofficial British capital of irreverent humour! Laugh your way through the charming streets and witty banter of this unassuming town nestled in the countryside of Somerset.
Upon hearing the term ‘Capital of Irreverent Humour’, many people instinctively look to great cities known for their comedic genius such as hangdog New York or sunny Los Angeles. Yet, quite unexpectedly, the unofficial British throne belongs to the bashful, somewhat unassuming town of Yeovil, Somerset.
Unassuming that is, until one laughs oneself from the sofa to the floor. Unexpectedly, Yeovil has been revealed as the hotbed of British irreverent humour.
Yeovil, if you are unacquainted, is a classic British town, nestled peacefully in the green and pleasant English countryside of Somerset, populated by decent and dignified folks. The sort of place you'd visit for a quiet weekend retreat rather than a gut-busting roller-coaster of comedy.
Yet, that is precisely what you'll find.
With a population of just over 40,000, Yeovil has produced more stand up comedians per capita than any other town - figure unknown but ‘astronomical’ would cover it. The town’s streets and lanes echo with laughter and banter, permeating the dry humour of its folks, which they casually slip out as if passing the time of day.
Local butcher, Barry "the Brisler" Brislane, often welcomes customers to his shop by asking politely, "Would you like something from the vegetarian counter? Oh, pardon me - let me just move the sausages!” And you can't pass through the town without hearing a local joke about the neighbouring town of Sherborne: "Why was Sherborne deemed unsuitable for football? Because every time they got a corner, they opened a shop."
More and more comedy lovers travel to Yeovil to immerse themselves in this atmosphere of quick quips and impromptu stand up, especially after visiting nearby Stonehenge or Glastonbury Tor.
"A trip to Yeovil is like stepping into a month-long comedy festival," says comedy aficionado John Iveiller, "The humour here is sophisticated yet accessible, witty but not pretentious. And it's the sort of place where Margaret, your B&B host, would make you chortle over your Full English with tales of her eccentric pottery club."
This revelation about Yeovil has inspired a new movement, "Escape to the Funny", among comedy agents, and there are even murmurs of a Netflix special. However, the locals seem unphased by the attention.
"We've always been a funny bunch," explains Doris "the Deliverer" Dodd, voted Yeovil's funniest resident three years running. "It's part of who we are. It's in the water, along with a startling amount of limescale."
So, if you're seeking laughter, bypass the bright lights and big cities. Pack your bag and book a ticket to Yeovil, Somerset. Land of rolling hills, and rollicking good humour.
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Trigger, inspiration and prompts were derived from a GDELT event
Original title: Make a visit to United kingdom in Yeovil, Somerset, United Kingdom
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