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Politics / 5 months ago
Israel's Newest Fitness Challenge: Conquering All of Gaza - But Can They Treadmill Southern Strip Before End of International Patience?
image by stable-diffusion
Israel's race to conquer Gaza becomes a high-stakes fitness challenge as international patience wears thin. Will they succeed on the treadmill before the world hits its breaking point?
JERUSALEM (AP) - In what some are now calling the most ambitious fitness challenge of the year, Israel’s strategy to conquer all of Gaza might have them aptly named 'Lord of the Treadmill' if they manage to conquer the Gaza Strip's southern sector before the global community's patience runs out. The Gaza Strip, previously known as one of the world’s most challenging CrossFit boxes, has been hosting an intense international fitness event lately. However, a unique problem has arisen. Overcrowded with nearly 2 million displaced Gaza civilians, most of who are sheltering in tents, it's often hard to find enough space to jump rope, let alone carry out a full-scale invasion. "I've had to burpee over families and swing kettlebells around women in burqas," says Major General Yoav Mordechai, explaining his exhausting battle with cramped conditions. "And don't even get me started on trying to find space for a box jump." Even so, Israel soldiers are striving to complete this big workout dubbed as 'Operation Tight Turnaround.' Having successfully raided the Gaza Strip's largest hospital, they seem close to performing a perfect 'Palestinian pirouette' on the territory's northern sector, the veritable HQ of Hamas' militant group. However, as the military, sweaty and driven, set their sights on southern Gaza, they face the most formidable opponent yet - international patience, notorious for its hair-trigger temper. "No one loves dragging a siege than us, but folks, even we have limits," confessed one exasperated U.N representative, while discreetly munching on an energy bar. "I mean, we have other geopolitical hot spots to watch over. Have you seen what's happening in the South China Sea? It's cardio insanity, frankly." Local nutritionists warn of potential issues around carbohydrate-loading, suggesting that the army could run out of falafel and promised land milk and honey before the fitness challenge is over. Meanwhile, back in southern Gaza, civilians wait with bated breath to see if Israel can wrap up their workout in record time or if their routine will leave the world sighing, shaking its collective head, and reaching for that dreaded ‘Dislike’ button. It's a game of geopolitics meets HIIT, and we can only wait and watch.
posted 5 months ago

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Original title: The Israeli military has set its sights on southern Gaza. Problems...

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