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Climate / 2 years ago
Iraq's Threatened Wetlands: A Catastrophic Loss of Biodiversity.
Iraq's wetlands are facing a catastrophic loss of biodiversity due to human activity and climate change - urgent action is needed to protect the remaining species and ecosystem services before it's too late.
Iraq’s wetlands, once a vibrant and vital ecosystem, are facing a catastrophic loss of biodiversity due to a combination of human activity and climate change. The wetlands, located in the Mesopotamian region of Iraq, are home to a vast range of species, including migratory birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. In addition, the wetlands provide a range of important ecosystem services, such as water filtration, flood control, and carbon sequestration. Unfortunately, human activities such as over-fishing, water pollution, and agricultural runoff have caused significant damage to the wetlands. In addition, climate change has caused a decrease in rainfall, resulting in a decrease in water levels and an increase in salinity. This has caused the loss of vital habitat for many species, as well as a decrease in water quality. The loss of Iraq’s wetlands is having a devastating impact on biodiversity in the region. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, over 70 species of fish, amphibians, and reptiles have been lost from the wetlands in the past decade. In addition, the number of migratory birds has decreased dramatically due to the loss of wetland habitat. In order to protect the remaining biodiversity of Iraq’s wetlands, urgent action is needed. This includes better management of water resources, improved agricultural practices, and the restoration of natural habitats. In addition, climate change must be addressed in order to ensure the long-term survival of the wetlands. The loss of Iraq’s wetlands is a tragedy, and urgent action is needed to protect the remaining biodiversity. Without intervention, the wetlands could be lost forever, resulting in an irreplaceable loss of species and ecosystem services.
posted 2 years ago

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Original title: Death in the marshes: environmental calamity hits Iraq’s unique wetlands
exmplary article: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/29/death-in-the-marshes-environmental-calamity-hits-iraqs-unique-wetlands

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