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World / a year ago
India Customs Officials Play "Capture the Territory" in Hyderabad
India Customs officials unleash their inner child in a spirited game of "Capture the Territory" in Hyderabad.
India Customs Officials Play "Capture the Territory" in Hyderabad In a riveting turn of events, India Customs officials in Hyderabad took a break from their routine duties to participate in a spirited game of "Capture the Territory" last weekend. Officials from Customs, Central Excise, and Narcotics divisions came together to engage in this thrilling contest of strategy and agility. Spectators were left awestruck as participants, armed with counterfeit stamps and contraband merchandise, raced to establish sovereignty over sections of Hyderabad. Whoever said adults can't have fun clearly didn't imagine bureaucrats shedding their formal attire and teaming up while shouting commands like, "Quick, secure the red sanders!" and "Hide the gold biscuits in the hollow of that tree!" The competition is said to have begun with ritualistic flag-posting, where officials took turns planting gaudy, custom-designed banners in the middle of busy intersections to assert dominance. The officials then promptly shared their Instagram posts with the hashtags #BureaucratLife and #CaptureTheTerritory. A rival team member remarked, "One can learn so much about geopolitics, plumbing, and appropriate sneaker color coordination through this game. The thrill of battling over where to book a smuggler is incomparable to anything else." Territories "captured" were marked with impounded smuggled goods, such as imported liquor, cigarettes, and fake designer wear. As the day progressed, morale spiked through the roof every time an official captured a new area with unquantifiable finesse inspired by popular reality television show "Border Wars." However, it wasn't all fun and games. In a surprising turn of events, overwhelmed with the excitement of the game, officials began detaining actual smugglers. An unnamed captain of a rogue team from the Narcotics Control Bureau proudly recounted, "We managed to nab three actual smugglers while trying to outdo our rivals - a perfect example of multitasking at its finest." A jovial award ceremony was held at the end of the day to determine the winning team. The trophies, crafted from a rare imported Chinese crystal, were bestowed upon the winning team amid a momentous roar of applause. The prizes were later confiscated as officials realized that the crystal was also part of the contraband cache. The game's overwhelming success has prompted plans for a nationwide annual tournament, complete with merchandise such as replica contraband for fans, "Capture the Territory" board games for children, and theme park attractions. While the success of this venture remains to be seen, one thing is for sure - these customs officials have found a unique and amusing way to blow off some steam!
posted a year ago

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Original title: India Customs official Occupy territory something in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
exmplary article: https://www.news18.com/india/telangana-concealed-in-mans-rectum-custom-officials-seize-gold-worth-rs-42-lakh-on-cam-7919215.html

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