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Climate / a year ago
Humanity Continues Its Unrivaled Streak at Sabotaging Planet Earth, Say Bleak Scientists
Humanity's ongoing streak of sabotaging planet Earth with gusto continues to astonish and depress scientists, who warn that efforts to reverse this destructive trend must go beyond marches and tweets.
In another triumphant badge of dishonor, humanity continues to outdo itself in its ongoing contest to sabotage the home planet, according to a team of increasingly depressed scientists. It seems the species, Homo sapiens, thrilled with the results of its previous destructive attempts to ruin its own habitat, has yet again stunned spectators by ramping up its destructive efforts ever so casually. The recent study, announced at this week's 'Annual Conference of Really Bleak Findings' concludes that humans are not just sabotaging their own habitat, but they are doing it with such gusto it's as if they were competing in an obliviously endless "Who Can Wreck the Planet the Most?" marathon. "It's a unique phenomenon," said leading environmental scientist Dr. Ivana Cry, "Most species accidentally bring about their own demise, but humans seem to really revel in it. They consume, waste, pollute and destroy like there’s no tomorrow, which, quite ironically, is shaping up to be an accurate prediction." It's not all doom-and-gloom though (just mostly), as the ongoing streak has come with an impressive array of statistics. Humans have managed to fill the world's oceans with 8 million metric tons of plastic each year, which is about five grocery bags filled with plastic for every foot of coastline on the planet. On the air pollution front, humans remain equally dogged in their efforts. "Despite the fact that the harmful impacts of air pollution are so visible that even a blindfolded mole rat could observe them," explained NASA climatologist Dr. Ivor Lump in his throat, "humans keep pumping CO2 into the atmosphere like it’s going out of fashion. Honestly, if you were trying to actively ruin a planet, you couldn't do a better job of it." Capitalism, consumerism, and short-term profit interests add the pinch of salt to this stunning recipe of ecological sabotage. Corporations continue to exploit natural resources like a bottomless buffet of planetary vandalism, and most governments look the other way because, apparently, economic growth is more important than the small matter of the future existence of our species. Climate activism has been growing, with humans actually starting to take offense at their own attempts to annihilate their future, but it is yet to have any significant impact. "Not to rain on anyone's parade, although at this rate there won't be any parades left given the increase in catastrophic climate events," said Dr. Cry, "but it's going to take more than few marches and some strongly worded tweets to reverse this trend." So, congratulations humanity, you're killing it, literally. Here's hoping that the next streak you embark on is a bit more, shall we say, sustainable. Until then, we tip our hats to you for being champions, albeit in a race nobody should want to win.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Earth’s ‘vital signs’ worse than at any time in human history, scientists warn
exmplary article: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/24/earth-vital-signs-human-history-scientists-sustainable-future

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