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Entertainment / a year ago
Hollywood Actors Triumph Over AI Invasion and Low Wages in Epic Showdown with Studios!
Hollywood actors prevail against AI invasion and low wages, reclaiming their roles in an epic showdown with film studios.
The recent AI invasion and low pay wave have finally been bested by the mighty heroes of tinsel town - our Hollywood actors in an epic battle resembling a high-budget sci-fi movie. The climax of the extended showdown with film studios ended yesterday as Hollywood's knights in acting armor, guided by the Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) came to a cessation on their strike that was longer than most people's attention span. The 118-day strike, more gripping than 'Game of Thrones' final season, had stalled the entertainment industry, delayed popular shows—the horror! The economy was the actual 'Innocence of the lambs', losing billions in this thrilling drama of humans vs machines. Announcement of the epic win over the villainous artificial intelligence and low pay was made at the stroke of midnight; no, it wasn't Cinderella's curfew but the end to the exhibition of theatrical resilience. The two mighty powerhouses, Netflix and Disney, have had to agree to a truce in the form of a new contract, which includes higher remuneration and protective measures against AI's cheeky campaign to steal the roles of men and women who, once upon a time, were probably trees initially. "While we deeply admire the analytical skills that our contemporary Silicon Valley actors bring to the table, our human actors felt underestimated,” SAG-AFTRA said in a statement. "By actors, for actors, without any room for machines - was the war cry," declared the guild decisively, stopping only just short of declaring an all-out war on all non-human entities. Indeed, not since 'Rocky IV', where Balboa triumphed over Drago, has there been witnessed such a successful comeback narrative exemplifying the human spirit. Hollywood goliaths such as Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, and Denzel Washington are reportedly ecstatic with this victory, seen practicing their 'Best Actor in a Wage Dispute' acceptance speeches in their jammies at 2 am. Their triumph is a ray of hope for the thousands of extras worldwide, who were terrified of being replaced by AI described as "creepy doll-like figures" in their nightmares. Now, they beg to dream of being typecast as 'Man #3 in Bar' or 'Woman in Crowd', grateful that those roles will still involve some semblance of humanity. Many still wonder just what stopped the AI uprising. Was it the collective prowess of real tears, expressions, and emotions of our actors, or the simple fact that technology still can't replicate the dramatic art of a coffee being thrown onto an assistant director's face during a heated tantrum? Whichever the case, Hollywood's human creed can rejoice - their artistic future is once again their own.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Striking actors agree deal with Hollywood studios

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