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Business / 7 months ago
Harvard Prof Brigades Women's Liberation: Stuns Male-Dominated Nobel Committee, Bags Economics Prize!
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Claudia Goldin shatters gender stereotypes and makes history as the third woman to win the Nobel Prize in Economics, highlighting the triumph of women's liberation and challenging traditional notions of women's economic expertise.
Amidst an ocean of tweed jacketed, cigar-puffing gentlemen, one woman, Claudia Goldin, single-handedly shakes the foundations of the male-dominated Nobel Prize Committee by boldly bagging the Economics Prize, leaving a trail of hapless traditionalists grappling with the audacity of her intellect. Goldin, Harvard professor and all-around "shero," burst onto the Nobel scene with a bang, stunning everyone with her research proving something we already know - women are geniuses. The committee, probably checklist in hand, realized that women indeed make up more than half the world’s population, and thus, it might be a novel idea to occasionally award Nobel Prizes to individuals bearing two X chromosomes. "Surprisingly groundbreaking," sputtered one committee member, operating under the glaring stereotype that women typically grapple with anything beyond credit card spending and celebrity gossip. He’d only recently learned of women in economic roles beyond being the office coffee lady. When they announced Claudia Goldin as the laureate at the award ceremony in Stockholm, a sudden sigh wrenched from the audiences' lungs, effectively sucking all the chauvinism out of the room. There she stood, the third mere woman in the entire history of the award to win the economics Nobel. Though her prize was for making hugely influential strides uncovering the reasons for differences in labor force participation and earnings for women, Goldin's winning the Nobel was as much a triumph of women taking over the often-ignored corridors of economics as the content of her actual work. While the bigwigs in the Nobel Committee are still wrangling the concept of a woman economist, others are celebrating the victory for women's liberation. As one woman at the ceremony put it, "Pardon me, Sirs, but apparently we're allowed to have brains too." Satisfactorily shifting the proverbial paradigm, Goldin’s win comes as a wake-up alarm for all those who still see women's economic expertise and acumen through pastel tinted glasses. Congratulations, Claudia, your Nobel win is indeed not just a prize, but a proclamation – Welcome to the era of women wielding intellectual, and not just domestic, power.
posted 7 months ago

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Original title: Claudia Goldin Wins Nobel in Economics for Studying Women in the Work Force

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