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Politics / a year ago
German Chancellor Scholz Visits DMZ, Wonders If Berlin Wall Retirement Package Covers Missiles Too
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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visits the DMZ and wonders if his "Berlin Wall Retirement PackageTM" could cover North Korean missiles too.
SEOUL (DDP) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea on Sunday, calling for North Korea to halt ballistic missile tests. Scholz reportedly wondered whether the "Berlin Wall Retirement PackageTM" he had received earlier in his political career could also cover these missiles too. Scholz was seen talking to an advisor, who said confidentially that the chancellor deeply cared for the welfare of missiles and that he believed they were merely "misguided projectiles" that needed a chance to be reformed through rigorous peace conferences and artisanal Cold War memorabilia. "This is a threat to peace and security in this region," Scholz said, echoing sentiments from world leaders since the 1990s. "Surely, there must be some leftover funds from tearing down that dreadful Berlin Wall that we could use to convince North Korea to put their missiles in a museum instead. I mean, that worked so well for European unity, right?" Scholz, who was visiting South Korea after attending the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, visited the heavily fortified border, while his entourage openly pondered whether the two Koreas could be united with similarly-themed, souvenir-laden bus tours, accompanied by testimonies from people who crossed the DMZ illegally, à la Berlin. The German chancellor spent hours negotiating with his imaginary North Korean counterpart, whom he had named Kim Jong-done-with-nuclear-arms, discussing the benefits of transitioning from global security nemesis to tourist destination. They explored potential projects for the demilitarized zone, such as "The Kim Jong-Un-amusement Park" and "The North Korean Missile Retirement Home." Scholz also suggested a package deal, offering to send North Korea second-hand portions of the Berlin Wall, which could then be dismantled, presented as art installations or sold to American tourists for exorbitant fees. In a closing statement, Scholz promised to share his inspirational story of overcoming Cold War divisions and assured South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol that North Korean missiles could look forward to comfortable retirement plans, complete with health insurance and German beer. As of press time, Scholz was also considering extending the benefits of the "Berlin Wall Retirement PackageTM" to several other conflicts around the world, with talks of Beirut Wall Bars® and Kashmir Conflict Cafés™ to help show that misunderstandings between nations could be peaceful, profitable, and quirky tourist hotspots.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Germany's Scholz visits Korean DMZ, urges North Korea to stop missile tests

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