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Business / a year ago
Gardener Guy Decodes Nature's Fashion Statement: The Runway of Fall Leaves!
Nature's Fall Collection: The Runway of Leaves - Decoding the Fashion Secrets of Mother Earth!
In a groundbreaking announcement that has sent shockwaves through the world of high-end fashion, local Tulsa gardener Paul James has decoded what he calls "Nature’s Fall Collection". Known as "The Gardner Guy", James has been studying this natural ensemble for many years and recently unveiled his findings at a not-so-glamorous, leaf-strewn runway. "The runway of fall leaves is more than just a carpet of vibrant hues of red, orange and yellow," begins James, his eyes gleaming, much like the frost on an early November morning."It's Mother Nature's way of saying 'Eat your heart out, Versace!'" According to James, this biannual fashion statement, in which leaves change their color from the hackneyed green to vibrant shades of red, orange and yellow, happens due to decrease in sunlight during the day and changes in temperature. "Much like the fashion industry, Mother Nature has her own way of keeping up with the seasons. As the daylight lessens, and the mercury starts acting like a yo-yo, our diva of a planet decides it's time for a wardrobe makeover," elaborated 'Gardener Guy'. James believes that this is much more than just a pigment alteration. This is the Earth’s way of making a bold fashion statement, exhibiting its organic designs on the grandiose runway of landscapes across the globe. "Sure, some may say it's all due to science and has nothing to do with fashion," agrees James. "But I'd like to think that every season, Mother Nature presents us with her own couture collection - a combination of falling hemlines and dropping temperatures, creating a spectacle that not even the most talented designer could replicate." In an unexpected twist, James' revelations have inspired famous fashion houses to utilize autumn leaves in their upcoming designs. Gucci announced a new collection inspired by autumn leaves that honors mother nature's extraordinary sartorial biannual show. In return, 'The Gardener Guy' has invited designers to watch this spectacle of 'fall' fashion from the front row of his lush garden. Designers or not, everyone is excited to witness nature's palette change from multiple shades of green to hues of red, orange and yellow. In this clash of chlorophyll and couture, one thing is certain: Mother Nature truly is the queen of sustainable fashion. So, when it's fall, get ready to see the leaves strut their stuff in this natural fashion extravaganza!
posted a year ago

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Original title: paul-james-hgtv-gardener-guy-gardening-by-the-yard-fall-colors

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