Climate / a year ago
Finally, Climate Summit Committee Discovers Women Care About the Planet Too!
Climate Summit Committee finally acknowledges that women care about the environment, leading to surprising revelations and small steps towards inclusivity and sustainability.
In a ground-breaking revelation that no one saw coming, the Climate Summit Committee has finally discovered that women, in fact, have feelings and opinions about the planet too. In what is being described as an intellectual epiphany, members of the convention, who are typically males dressed in various shades of gray suits, have unanimously agreed that women are indeed capable of caring about the environment.
The giant conclusion came during the 102nd climate change dialogue, when an intern mistakenly introduced an unvetted paper that surprisingly suggested that women were environmentally aware. In utter disbelief, some of the distinguished attendees choked on their black Turkish coffee while scanning the disturbing contents of the document.
"It's outrageous," gasped committee member Dr. Richard Monochrome. "All these years we believed that women exclusively cared about makeup, rom-com movies, and trending TikTok dances. Now, you are telling us they harbor feelings for the environment too?"
CEO of the Big Oil Foundation, Mr. Henry Slick also expressed his surprise, exclaiming, "Who would've thought that our lack of female representation was, in fact, excluding half of the human population's perspective?"
In an attempt to remedy their historical blindness towards women's interests in the environment, the Climate Summit Committee considered inviting at least one woman to their futurology team for the 103rd climate change dialogue. However, that proposition was squashed due to the apparent lack of climate-qualified women. Instead, they've decided to put up some colorful, eco-friendly drapes and add a recycle bin in the conference room.
"We really thought hard about the inclusion of some potted plants as well," noted Committee Spokesperson, John Concrete. "But we had to consider the fact that we are already at risk of being overwhelmed by the recent controversial discovery. Diversity in flora and fauna in our meeting room might just tip us over."
The committee has further decided to host a special woman-centric session in the next Climate Summit, to discuss key issues such as the correlation between nail polish sales and global warming, the impact of hair spray on ozone layer, and the potential environmental harm caused by beauty pageants. A suggestion to include female environmentalists, climatologists, or sustainability experts in this session was unfortunately voted down as being too radical.
In other news, Climate Summit's caterer has been asked to add a vegan option to their menu, a move which is seen by many as the Committee's most significant shift towards a more sustainable and inclusive future. "Of course, the vegan option is there to show our commitment to the environment and not at all pandering to any possible female attendees," concluded Concrete, with a wink.
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Original title: Women added to Cop29 climate summit committee after backlash
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