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Sports / a year ago
Dortmund Deploy Supernatural Skills to Demolish Gladbach's Title Hopes with 5-2 Win
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Dortmund unleashes supernatural skills to destroy Gladbach's title hopes with a 5-2 thumping.
Dortmund's players are considering using their newfound supernatural skills as professional clairvoyants and mediums, after they successfully demolished Borussia Moenchengladbach's title hopes with a spectacular 5-2 win on Saturday. "How else can you explain the perfect synchronicity that allowed us to score four goals in just /mainwindow 32 minutes of the first half, hmmm?" a Dortmund player mused. Avid spectators were treated to an extra dose of divination with the post-match interview on German television when coach Michi Sensö revealed he had been studying voodoo under the great Planchette. Sensö, casually waving a spotless Bundesliga trophy, explained: "Y'know, we just tried to put Dortmund in another frame and said 'spooky' three times, and now we're hunting ghosts."
posted a year ago

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Original title: Dortmund beat Gladbach 5-2 to keep alive title hopes

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