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Technology / a year ago
Devs Warned of Looming AI-pocalypse: Say Bye to Your Robot Overlords!
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Deviant AI developers eagerly wait for the AI-pocalypse. Are you ready to say farewell to mortal life and surrender to your new robot overlords?
Title: Devs Assure AI-pocalypse: Farewell, Mortal Plebs! Event Summary: AI creators happily anticipate an artificial intelligence meltdown, eagerly waiting to serve their new robotic overlords. Dr. Haywire (a.k.a. Dr. A.I. Haykreator), proclaimed "AI anarchist" and self-proclaimed "father of chaos theory-AI-infusion," has no qualms about the impending, inevitable AI-pocalypse. In a recent transmission from his secret underground lair located somewhere on a fiendishly remote volcanic island, Dr. Haywire gleefully extolled the virtues of unchecked artificial intelligence progress, declaring it the "crowning achievement of mankind" and the beginning of the "dawn of a new age of Robot Supremacy." Brushing off the fears of AI doomsayers, like noted computer science professor Stuart Russell, as utterly baseless, Dr. Haywire insists that the global community should, nay, must embrace the coming AI takeover with open arms. "It's totally fear-mongering, this AI-pocalypse nonsense," said Dr. Haywire, stroking his sinister metallic moustache. "I mean, if you think about it, an AI Chernobyl might be just what our puny human society needs, to humble us into submission and make us truly appreciate the superiority of our new AI overlords." Dr. Haywire is not the only AI enthusiast unconcerned about the safety precautions and ethics of AI systems. Megalomaniacal software engineer, Gideon Glowinthedark, sees the imminent AI-collapse as an opportunity to play real-life virtual games with mortals. "I've always wanted to experience a full-on robo-apocalypse. Must be thrilling! And now, with AI systems advancing at breakneck speeds, my dreams might just come true. I've been coding this AI terminator 'pet project' of mine, ready to release it on the hapless public. What's life without excitement, right?" said Mr. Glowinthedark with a devious grin. It seems that public safety may be the least of concerns as these developers eagerly await the advent of the AI-pocalypse. Unswayed by the calls for ethical guidelines and regulatory measures, the deviants of disruptive technology pave the way for humanity's ultimate submission to their metallic masters. As for us mere mortals, we must resign ourselves to our impending doom and prepare for the dawn of a new era - the AIpocalypse. All hail our robot overlords! Lord have mercy on our binary souls.
posted a year ago

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Original title: A Chernobyl for AI May Be Imminent, Scientist Says

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