In a devastating turn of events, a levee breach has trapped the small community of Pajaro in Monterey County, California in an inescapable deluge. The California National Guard is on the scene to help with rescue operations, as state and local officials work to provide aid.
The small community of Pajaro in Monterey County, California was inundated by a devastating flood early Saturday morning after a levee breach. With a population of just under 3,000, the largely Latino community was quickly overwhelmed by the deluge, trapping many of its residents in an inescapable situation.
The California National Guard was quickly deployed to the area to help with rescue operations, and by Saturday morning, at least 56 people had been saved from the rising waters. Governor Gavin Newsom's office said that it was working to provide assistance to the community.
"It's heartbreaking to see the destruction this flood has caused," said Luis Alejo, chair of the Monterey County Board of Supervisors. "We were hoping to avoid and prevent this kind of disaster, but unfortunately, we weren't able to. Our thoughts and prayers are with the residents of Pajaro."
As of Saturday afternoon, the floodwaters had yet to recede, and it was uncertain when the community would be able to return to normal. The National Guard and other emergency personnel were continuing their rescue efforts, and state and local officials were working to provide aid to the community.
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Original title: Flooding inundates Central California communities, blocking routes out
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