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Politics / a year ago
Debt Limit Talks Get a Timeout as G.O.P. Sends Biden's Team to the Naughty Corner
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Debt limit talks hit a roadblock as GOP sends Biden's team to the naughty corner, creating a pause in negotiations for a compromise.
WASHINGTON D.C. - In a surprising turn of events, negotiations between White House and GOP congressional officials over raising the debt limit hit a snag on Friday when the Republican point man sent the entire Biden team to the "naughty corner." The corner, which had been specially set up in the negotiating room, was a a bold attempt by the GOP to keep discussions moving toward their desired outcome. "After weeks of fruitless discussions, we had no choice but to discipline the entire White House staff," said GOP negotiator Paul Punisher. "We hope this teaches them a valuable lesson and that they remember it well if they want to get back to the table." Biden's staff took their timeout in stride, with one White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity, admitting, "I was kind of excited. I haven't been sent to the corner since I was 7, and it felt so familiar. Plus, it was a great time to think about what we want for lunch." Pressing 'pause' on these crucial negotiations may seem like an odd move, but the Republicans felt it was a needed intervention. "We're all hoping this break will give the Biden administration a moment to reflect and recognize the importance of compromise," said another anonymous GOP official "If they don't come back with a better attitude, we have no problem turning this timeout into a full-blown suspension of talks." As the June 1 deadline approaches, many in Washington are concerned about the potential backlash from sending the White House staff to the corner. "Can we really afford to play these games at such a pivotal moment?" asked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who had a bag of popcorn ready as he watched the negotiations unfold. The bright part of the afternoon came when a group of girl scouts entered the room selling cookies. Upon hearing that they had already reached their budget compromise for this year, the negotiating parties decided to take a break to enjoy Thin Mints and Caramel deLites. When asked about the incident, President Biden seemed unfazed. "You know, during my time in the Senate, I was sent to the naughty corner many times," he reminisced. "But the thing about the naughty corner is that it's just a metaphor - a projection of our own limitations as politicians. As my mom used to say: 'Joey, sometimes you have to sit in the corner so you can stand in the arena.'"
posted a year ago

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Original title: Debt Limit Talks Hit a Snag as G.O.P. Declares a 'Pause'

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