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World / a year ago
Clinton County Cheers: Missouri Mavens Marvel at Magnificent Milestone
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Ethel the pig becomes a legend in Clinton County, Missouri, as she breaks records and captures the hearts of the locals with her mile-long trot.
Clinton County, Missouri - The tension was palpable, the excitement almost unbearable as the residents of this small Missouri town gathered around the Clinton County Community Center last Tuesday to witness a historic event. Life-long resident, Ethel the pig, was ready to break the record as the first swine to walk a whole mile without passing out. "It's a tremendous day for Clinton County and Ethel! A pig hasn't achieved such a feat since we tied a donut to a fishing pole and got Bessie to chase it through town during the '94 carnival," boasted Mayor Joe Pepper. The whole town had been training Ethel for the big day – while children ran by her side, the town's blacksmith fashioned a custom metal step-counter to be fitted on her front hoof. With the help of both the local pharmacy and the rumored witch who lives behind the old Piggly Wiggly, Ethel was outfitted with a blend of electrolyte-enhanced corn feed. No one in the Missouri Mavens, the town's gossip group, can recall a more anticipated event since the great 1983 cornhusking tournament. "It's been a long time since we've had a cause for celebration like this," said Maven's president, Kay Convoy. "Last year's record attendance at the annual Father-Daughter Dog Bark-Off had nothing on this!" As word of Ethel's attempt spread through the heartland, her progress even garnered a shoutout on "Pork Talk", an AM radio program dedicated solely to pig news. "We're getting calls from all corners of Missouri," revealed Pork Talk host Callie Leathersworth. "People are setting up pools on how far she'll go before giving up!" At 10 a.m. sharp, Ethel began her marvelous trot through the streets of Clinton County, cheered on by locals lining the sidewalk, waving pig-shaped balloons and wearing custom t-shirts that read "Swine Mile High Club". Neighborhood cook, Miranda O'Connell, grilled bacon - a nod to irony - and served it to the folks along Ethel's path. Halfway through the attempt, Ethel nearly met her match when she was blocked by several cows, evidently engaged in a protest organized by the Missouri Cows' Rights Union. "It's simply not fair that the pigs receive all the credit and attention," argued cow and spokesperson, Bessie. "I was the one chasing a donut in shirt in 94', remember?" Despite the bovine disruption, with a snort of determination, Ethel made her way through the herd and continued her trot. At 11:01 a.m., Ethel crossed the one-mile marker to thunderous applause and the tune of "Old MacDonald", as sung by the Clinton County Choir. Boasting a shiny new Moovellous Medal around her neck, bestowed upon her by Mayor Pepper, Ethel promptly passed out on the sidelines. With this victorious moment, the Missouri Mavens have declared that next year's Father-Daughter Dog Bark-Off will, in fact, be replaced by the very first "Swine Mile" pig race, a sure sign that Clinton County will continue to marvel at magnificent milestones for years to come.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Residents Praise or endorse something in Clinton County, Missouri, United States
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