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World / 9 months ago
Cheerleaders in Suits: Lawyers Turned Brand Mascots in India's Corporate Circus!
From courtroom to commercial, lawyers in India embrace their inner mascots and put the fun back into law.
Why should clowns and cartoon mascots have all the fun, right? After centuries of stern-faced gravitas, it seems lawyers in India have finally found a brand new source of income and it usually doesn't require them to know the law as their Bible. Welcome to the world of Lawyers Turned Brand Mascots - our latest addition to the ever-evolving India’s corporate circus. These monumental figures of our justice system can now be seen boxing out deals by day, only to wiggle in oversized costumes for cereal commercials during their top-billing appearance at night on prime-time telecast. The classic black-and-white dresses have been traded for fluorescent neon suits and the golden jerry wig for the renowned KFC bucket hat. And it's just the start. High-profile lawyer, Suresh Khanna, known for winning famous political cases, was recently spotted in a cheddar mouse costume promoting a brand new cheese company. Asked why he switched his courtroom arguments for mousy gestures, he chuckled, "Well, some days you fight for justice, other days you squeak for processed cheese." On the bright side, these waggish antics could finally make law a less intimidating field. If a “LawyerLion” jiving to the latest Bollywood beats while marketing a cellular network package doesn't light up your day, what will? Even the prestigious Bar Council seems to have taken a jovial stance on the situation. From issuing summons and handling disciplinary actions to drafting a 'Best Mascot of the Year' award, they've truly embraced the comic turn of events. As one council member put it, "We are proud of our barristers' dynamic roles. Who knew the power of advocacy can be tapped for quality advertisement too!" Meanwhile, clients seem to be thrilled by this amusing switch too. Businessman, Ramesh Gupta, recently stated, "I was unsure about appointing a lawyer for my complex bankruptcy case, but when I saw him belly dancing as a juicy burger for a fast-food chain, I knew he was the one!" Even law colleges have started offering new courses like “Dynamic Body Language for Effective Mascot Performance” and “Smiling in a Bear Suit - Lessons from the Bar to the Stage”. The much-anticipated course, “The Clown’s Gavel: Legal Humour 101”, is a hot favorite among the students. All said and done, the corporate circus of brand mascots has grown wealthier with the inclusion of our learned friends. As they juggle between defending constitutional rights and promoting digestive biscuits, one thing's for sure - you can never accuse them of being dull. After all, who knew a dancing lawyer could boost not just your brand sales but also tickle your funny bone? So the next time you spot a six-foot tall rooster clucking legal advice in an ad, don't be flustered. Just grab your popcorn, wait for his 'eggceptional' punchline, and relish in the new double-act of India's legal profession.
posted 9 months ago

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Original title: Advocate Praise or endorse Companies in India
exmplary article: https://www.thehitavada.com/Encyc/2024/1/24/-India-Inc-confident-of-achieving-5-trillion-economy-.html

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