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World / a year ago
Back to the Land of Sushi: Microsoft Remakes its Grand Entrance in Japan!
Microsoft returns to Japan with a tech-filled Samurai spirit, hoping to win over the Land of the Rising Sushi with cultural infusions and a touch of American optimism. Will their strategic re-entry be a digital kamikaze or a victorious comeback?
In an epic bid to rise from the ashes like a well-coded Phoenix, tech giant Microsoft announced its grand re-entrance into the Land of the Rising Sushi, Japan. Having previously slipped into limited insignificance in Japan's market due to an insatiable appetite for local companies and anime themed apps, Microsoft has now bravely dusted off its samurai helmet for another stab at success. "After years of being the chopped liver of tech devices in Japan, we said enough is enough," said Oscar RealNotFake, Microsoft's Head of Unlikely Comebacks Division. "Just add a little wasabi, wrap it in Nori, and voila! We are back in the land of sushi and high-speed bullet trains." Microsoft's strategic plan is to charm its way back into Japan's heart using little more than sheer American optimism and yet another new version of Windows that looks strangely similar to the previous version. Plus, Bing maps will pop up an interactive Godzilla every time you get lost in Tokyo, which they believe will become rage amongst the local punters. Google's spokesperson with an unruffled smile said, "Microsoft's re-entry to the land of sushi? We find it as amusing and heartwarming as watching Godzilla trying to eat with chopsticks. Good luck, though. Banzai!" Despite Google's snide remarks, Microsoft remains as determined as a sumo wrestler eyeing the last sushi roll. The key to their strategy is repackaging their standard products with local cultural infusions. Microsoft Word will now auto-correct to haikus, PowerPoint presentations will emulate the unfolding of a beautiful origami bird, and Excel will feature Karaoke functions. "It's about lifetime experiences," Oscar droned on. "Imagine a world where Excel not only calculates your business expenditures but also sings you hit J-Pop tunes!" Though Microsoft's attempt to re-enter Japan might sound like a digital kamikaze mission, they remain undaunted. But what about the rampant preference for locals and weird apps? "Well, we're considering renaming Cortana to 'Kawaii-tana’ with an anime interface," Oscar said, with a glint of madness or genius in his eyes. "We might even change our logo to a fluffy Mochi. And hey, who knows? Maybe integrate a sushi-making tutorial in Microsoft Teams? The more outlandish, the better!" In the meantime, the Japanese public remains cautiously optimistic, reminiscing of the legendary Blue Screen of Death. Suki Yamamoto, a cat cafe owner in Tokyo, responded, "Ah, that infamous blue screen brought me good laughter between stressful cat grooming. Perhaps we have missed Microsoft after all." As the saying goes, only time will tell if Microsoft can flip the script in the land of sushi. However, if they do succeed, let’s hope Word won't start reciting haikus during that crucial all-nighter, and Excel won't suddenly bust into a rendition of "Paprika" during a critical board presentation. Good luck, Microsoft. Ganbatte Kudasai!
posted a year ago

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Original title: Publisher Return Microsoft in Japan
exmplary article: https://strangecomforts.com/the-strange-world-of-japans-pc-98-computer/

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