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Politics / 14 days ago
Afghan Man in Oklahoma City Plans Election Day 'Surprise'—Turns Out He Just Wanted to Stream It Live!
An Oklahoma City man turns a suspected terrorist plot into a viral streaming stunt, aiming for internet fame on Election Day. As authorities clarify the misunderstanding, the prankster community rallies in support, proving that sometimes, the line between chaos and creativity can be surprisingly thin.
In a shocking turn of events, local authorities have revealed that a man in Oklahoma City, previously suspected of plotting a "terrorist attack" on Election Day, was actually preparing for a live streaming event on social media. Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, who entered the U.S. on a special immigrant visa in 2021, reportedly thought he could turn his "surprise" into a viral sensation. Investigators initially raised eyebrows when they discovered Tawhedi's online searches for camera access in Washington, D.C., leading them on a wild goose chase filled with images of his grand plan to disrupt democracy. Unfortunately for Tawhedi, it seems the only disruption he intended was to the monotony of a typical Tuesday by broadcasting live from the event he dubbed "Election Day Extravaganza." "At first, we were very concerned by the terminology he used in his searches," said an unnamed law enforcement official. "Turns out he was just trying to figure out the best angles for his Facebook Live rather than masterminding an attack. It really was more of an attempt at 'influencing' than 'instigating.'" According to sources close to the investigation, Tawhedi was hoping to gain internet fame by streaming reactions to what he believed would be an "epic showdown" at the polls. "He wanted to share Election Day moments like the epic chaos of long lines and the thrill of people debating whether a ‘I Voted’ sticker is worth the hassle," explained one technological expert. “He underestimated how seriously everyone takes their voting selfies, and he thought he could tap into that.” Despite the misunderstanding, local prankster community members have rallied to celebrate Tawhedi's misdirected ambitions. They are now planning their own live event in support of him, entitled “Tawhedi’s Terribly Terrific Telecast,” where everyone is encouraged to dress up as their favorite political candidates while sharing snacks and live streaming their experiences at polling stations across the country. As for sweeping legal repercussions, those seem unlikely now that Tawhedi has been released on bail, with a reminder to stick to more conventional forms of entertainment—like TikTok dances and cat videos. “Next time, it would help if he just posted a status update instead of plotting elaborate streaming adventures,” one local resident suggested. “But hey, at least now we know democracy isn't the only thing that can get interrupted on Election Day.”
posted 14 days ago

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Original title: Afghan man in Oklahoma City arrested for plotting Election Day attack

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