Explore the captivating story of two of the most iconic figures of the 20th century, Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe, as revealed in Edward Z. Epstein's new book, "Frank & Marilyn: The Lives, the Loves and the Fascinating Relationship of Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe."
Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe were two of the most iconic figures of the 20th century. Now, a new book by Edward Z. Epstein sheds light on the fascinating relationship between the two legends.
Entitled "Frank & Marilyn: The Lives, the Loves and the Fascinating Relationship of Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe," the book takes readers on a journey through the lives and loves of the two stars. Epstein's 304-page work dives deep into the details of their relationship, from their first glances to their embrace and eventual parting.
The book reveals the complex emotions and events that shaped the relationship between Sinatra and Monroe. It also examines the impact of their fame on their relationship, and how their separate paths eventually led them away from each other.
"Frank & Marilyn" is an insightful look into the lives of two of Hollywood's most beloved stars. It is a must-read for fans of Sinatra and Monroe, as well as for anyone interested in the history of Hollywood and the power of celebrity.
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Original title: Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe did it their way: stars' romance detailed in new book
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