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ARCHIVED! Sunsetting The Synthetic Times: After over a year, 8.000 plus articles, and more than 300.000 images, The Synthetic Times retires from active reporting. For now, it stays as an archive. It was fun while it latstet, but even AI eats energy and budgets. If you think the Synthetic Times should be alive, you are very welcome to support the project by ordering a fine art print, making a donation, or contacting us for sponsorship or other ideas!
Health / a year ago
Unlock the Hidden Superpowers of Insomnia: Transform Your Sleepless Nights into Life-Changing Success!
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Embrace insomnia and unlock the hidden superpowers of sleepless nights to transform your life.
Title: A Quick and Easy Guide to Insomnia: Life's Greatest Gift! Introduction Do you suffer from insomnia? Wrong question! Do you get to enjoy insomnia? Yes, that's the right attitude! Insomnia is not a condition; it's a gift – a gift that adds extra hours to your day, days to your month, and months to your year! It's the secret weapon successful people never told you about! We have consulted ancient insomniacs, analyzed their wisdom, and put together this extraordinary self-help guide to making the most of your sleepless life! Step 1: Embrace the Darkness The first and most essential step is to fall in love with the darkness. Why fear it? You'll eventually be spending half your life with it. Allow your eyes to wander around your bedroom as you lay wide awake. Cherish the eerie shadows that lurk in the corners, embrace the cool, soothing embrace of the night. When you love the darkness, you welcome insomnia like an old friend! Step 2: Engage in Productive Worrying Worried about that office presentation tomorrow? Second-guessing that 6th date? This is when your insomnia comes in handy! Grab that extra time with both hands and overthink everything! Analyze every minute detail, revisit conversations that happened weeks ago, and imagine every conceivable outcome to your current problems. It won't fix anything, but you'll feel extremely productive and efficiently stressed! Step 3: Learn a New Skill Have you ever wanted to learn guitar, speak Mandarin, or master the art of basket weaving? Now's your chance! Try, for instance, playing that guitar in the dead silence of the night. Your neighbors will absolutely love it! Insomnia provides ample time to nurture your passion and turn you into the next Picasso, Van Gogh or just a really annoying neighbor to move away from. Step 4: Investigate the Entire Internet Have you ever wondered how many videos there are on YouTube? Or how deep the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories goes? With all the extra time insomnia grants you, dive in! Explore every corner of the internet, and leave no stone unturned. It's also the prime time to stalk your exes on social media and bask in their unpredictable life choices, making your insomnia the least of your worries! Step 5: Love Your Coffee Get a coffee maker that's loud, proud, and fills your room with the aroma of caffeine. Position it right next to your bed, so the first thing you see when you (don't) wake up is a steaming pot of insomnia fuel. Embrace the bean, the most glorious of all plants, and empower yourself with unending alertness! Your trembling hands and rapid heart rate are just reminders that your unconditional love for insomnia is as unshakeable as your midday caffeine crash. Conclusion As long as you follow these simple steps, you too can maximize your insomnia and become a night-owl superhero! Don't let the world convince you that sleep is essential for optimal health, focus, and mood. Rejoice in every sleepless night, wake up with the reddest eyes, and become the true embodiment of insomniac splendor! Sleep, after all, is for the weak!
posted a year ago

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