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Politics / 9 months ago
Ukrainian Drone Plays an Explosive Game of 'Tag' on Putin's £3 Billion 'Bridge to Nowhere'
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Ukrainian Drone Plays Explosive Game of 'Tag' on Putin's £3 Billion 'Bridge to Nowhere', Redefining International Diplomacy
In a daring and potentially game-changing variation of the popular kids’ game, ‘Tag, You’re It!’, one bold Ukrainian drone decided to take on no less than Vladimir Putin’s £3 billion ‘Bridge to Nowhere’. The unmanned ‘Sea Baby’ drone, armed with precision and determination, slammed into the vainglorious bridge, triggering a colossal explosion and bringing a new definition to the children's past-time. Testing the adage that ‘actions speak louder than words,’ our hero of the day, the kamikaze ‘Sea Baby’, made a considerably loud statement by racking up ‘explosion points’ on the 12-mile long ego embodiment of the Russian premier. Ukrainian secret service agency, also known as the Dad’s Army of Eastern Europe, SBU, shared a video of this audacious slap on Russia’s face. The SBU confirmed the drone attack, marking the first time they have openly claimed responsibility for a direct attack on Russian vanity. The footage, akin to watching a tension-filled, nerve-wracking game of Battleship, showcased the 'Sea Baby' drone dutifully gliding towards the bridge before unleashing a payload that surely made Putin sit up in his Russian bear-skin chair all the way in Moscow. Generally known for knitting socks for elderly citizens and terrorising latte-sipping hipsters by insisting that their adopted rescue dog is, in fact, a rare Ukrainian mammal, the SBU has now stepped into the international limelight. Their devoted drone, delivered with the finesse of a toddler playing tag, has undoubtedly put them on the must-watch list for not only Russian security services but also for anyone looking for a good laugh. It seems Putin's £3 billion masterpiece of steel and concrete, dubbed the 'Bridge to Nowhere', proved indeed to be an apt investment. With its gargantuan dimensions and the huge explosion it hosted, it has successfully reinforced the notion of Putin's notorious extravagance and knack for wasteful spending. In a world where superpower politics is often dominated by old men in expensive suits, it’s refreshing to see a pint-sized drone taking the mantle of rebellion. "Tag, you're it, Putin!" seems to be the message Sea Baby drone is delivering, forever stamping its legacy in the annals of audacious, yet hilarious, geopolitics. So, let's hear it for the Ukrainian Sea Baby drone – not just a piece of advanced military tech, but the cheeky disruptor of international diplomacy. And to Vladimir Putin, better luck next time with your architectural endeavors. Perhaps, a Bridge to Somewhere might prove more worthwhile? After all, in this explosive game of 'Tag', it would be wise to remember - 'You’re never too old to be tagged'.
posted 9 months ago

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Original title: Moment Ukrainian kamikaze drone hit Putin's £3 billion bridge

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