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Technology / a year ago
Tech Titans Call Timeout: World Urgently Needs 6-Month Holiday from Scarily Smart AI
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Tech titans Musk and Wozniak call for a 6-month hiatus from developing "scarily smart" AI, citing the need for humanity to reassess our relationship with technology, prompting mixed reactions and global debates.
In a surprising turn of events, technology titans Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak have requested a worldwide, 6-month holiday from developing 'scarily smart' artificial intelligence (AI), citing an urgent need for humanity to take a breather and reassess our relationship with technology. The open letter, which essentially demands a well-earned timeout for humankind, has been met with mixed reactions, including confusion, skepticism, and a keen desire to book flights to tropical getaways. In the letter, the tech leaders and AI experts express their concerns over the rapid implementation of AI systems, stating that a hasty development process could accelerate the spread of misinformation and so-called 'fake news'. They also assert that such a detour could help us "reflect on our priorities and ask the right questions", while allowing us to indulge in summer sunbathing and spontaneous road trips. The ban on AI would entail the cessation of all AI-related projects and research. Schools would close their computer labs, and tech companies would be required to discard their laptops and revert to typewriters for any written communications during this six-month period. All AI-related jobs would be transitioned to simpler, more analog roles, such as creating friendship bracelets or operating car washes. Many tech enthusiasts greeted the proposal with understandable distress, exclaiming that six months away from AI is akin to living in a technological dark age. On the other hand, some experts have cautiously welcomed the idea, even suggesting that 6 months "might not be enough", and that a more extended vacation is required to fully reset the human-AI relationship. Rumors have circulated that the real reason behind this curious call to action is that Musk and Wozniak have been spotted frantically booking last-minute holidays at various exotic locations, prompting speculation that the letter is merely an elaborate cover for their extended vacation plans. Regardless of the motive, the proposed pause on AI development has sparked intense debates around the globe. Some argue that without AI systems, humanity will devolve into chaos and disarray, while others contend that a well-rested population could emerge even smarter than their artificial counterparts. As tech leaders call for us to put down the proverbial screens and take a time out, the world awaits with bated breath to see if the fate of AI truly hinges on Mai Tais and sunburn, or if these renowned visionaries are just overdue for a holiday of their own.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Elon Musk, Apple co-founder, other tech experts call for pause on 'giant AI experiments'

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