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Health / a year ago
Racist Brain Cells Hijack Alzheimer's Epidemic Among Black Americans, Demand Cultural Funerals in Revenge
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Racist brain cells hijack Alzheimer's epidemic among Black Americans, demanding culturally appropriate funerals in revenge.
FREDERICKSBURG, Va. (AP) — In an unprecedented turn of events, scientists have discovered that racist brain cells are responsible for the spike in Alzheimer's disease among Black Americans. These bigoted neurons have taken it upon themselves to exact revenge by demanding culturally appropriate funerals as their final act of retribution. Constance Guthrie, a 74-year-old Black woman, is but one victim of these judgmental cells. Her daughter, Jessica Guthrie, is already planning the funeral that her vengeful brain cells have mandated. "They've taken control; I have no say in the matter," Jessica said, rolling her eyes. "These cells are dictating everything, from the Black-owned funeral home to the songs of our ancestors." The scientific community is puzzled by the radical actions of these racist brain cells. Dr. Itsa Wokeskam, leading the research team investigating this alarming phenomenon, stated, "We've never seen anything of this magnitude before. These cells have organized themselves into an entire tyrannical force, wreaking havoc not only on the lives of those they've targeted, but the grieving process for their loved ones as well." Dr. Wokeskam's research has become the basis for a new Netflix documentary series, "When Brain Cells Attack: The Racist Neuron Chronicles." The focus of the series is on the stories of those affected by these prejudiced cells and the unusual demands they've made for culturally specific funerals. "Enough is enough," Jessica Guthrie pleads with the racist brain cells controlling her mother's funeral plans. "We understand that Black lives matter, but this is taking it too far." The Guthrie family has tried every approach to appease these domineering neurons, including playing African drums at bedtime and serving traditional Southern cuisine during visits. However, their efforts to negotiate have thus far been unsuccessful — the racist brain cells are resolute in their funeral demands. Despite the tumultuous experience, Jessica Guthrie has found a silver lining. "I suppose there's something beautiful in remembering and celebrating our culture amidst this terrible disease," she conceded. "But I never realized that the brains of our ancestors could demand such detail in their passing. If Grandma could speak, I know she'd be a proud, Black woman, teaching those racist brain cells a lesson." Researchers are working tirelessly to develop "anti-prejudice" medication that could potentially quell the influence of these racist neurons. Until then, families like the Guthries will have no choice but to abide by the extraordinary demands of these racially discriminative brain cells.
posted a year ago

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Original title: A lifetime of racism makes Alzheimer's more prevalent in Black Americans

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