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Climate / a year ago
GB News Presenters Play Climate Roulette: A Third Deny Science, Who's Next?
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GB News presenters take part in a dangerous game of climate change denial called 'Climate Roulette,' causing concern among experts and viewers alike.
In an unprecedented game of Russian roulette, the GB News presenters have taken to playing a new, daring game dubbed 'Climate Roulette' live on air. The rules are simple: each presenter takes turns denying climate change, and the viewers can bet on who will be the next to perpetuate this bizarre brand of ignorance. The game was initially crafted in response to a stark revelation: a third of the channel's presenters have been found to climate science deniers. It's not the news network many were hoping for, but it certainly delivers on what they promised: Great British entertainment. Presenter one, let's call him John (so as not to call out actual presenters, for fear of providing a false sense of validation), kicked off the game with a brazen claim that climate change is simply an elaborate ruse orchestrated by renewable energy companies to increase their market share. A bold move, even more so when you consider that John lives on an island in a rapidly warming world; one might hope he's got his water wings ready. Next up, let's call her Jane, fired out a statement that polar ice caps melting was always part of the Earth's "natural cycle," and that humans have just been "extraordinarily lucky" to experience it in their lifetime. Perhaps by "lucky" she means "inconvenient," but who are we to question semantics? As the game carried on live on air, viewers at home gleefully placed their bets on who will be the next presenter to make a mockery of evidence-based science. Odds-on favourites are those with ties to fossil fuel companies, a penchant for conspiracy theories, or a track record of confusing the weather with climate. At this point, it's crucial to note that the majority of the international scientific community has come together to ask GB News' climate roulette players to please refrain from making vital, global issues into an uninformed version of a darts night at the pub. Their requests, thus far, have been met with radio silence. Dr. Rupert FakeName, a lead climatologist at the prestigious University of What's-the-Point, remarked: "At the end of the day, it's refreshing to see such an ambitious display of ignorance. While millions of scientists, institutions, and governments are working tirelessly to halt climate change, GB News has seen it fit to disregard reason for the sake of some cheeky bets. Bravo." As the climate roulette game continues, experts and laypeople alike are left to wonder: just what is the end game? Are we all simply here to place bets on the inevitable self-destruction of the planet? One may hope it's not the case, but given the unique approach to climate science at GB News, it wouldn't be surprising if it were.
posted a year ago

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Text and headline were written by GPT-4.

Trigger, inspiration and prompts were derived from a climate news feed

Original title: One in three GB News presenters cast doubt on climate science, study reveals
exmplary article: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/may/26/one-in-three-gb-news-presenters-cast-doubt-climate-science-study

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