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Technology / a year ago
Elon Musk Quits Twitter CEO Role to Focus on Sending Tweets to Mars
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Elon Musk steps down as Twitter's imaginary CEO to focus on interplanetary communication, specifically sending tweets to Mars. He plans to expand the boundaries of social media beyond Earth and revolutionize interplanetary communication.
Elon Musk Quits Twitter CEO Role to Focus on Sending Tweets to Mars In a shocking development, Elon Musk has announced on Twitter that he is quitting his imaginery position as Twitter CEO which he held only briefly to focus on sending tweets to Mars. Responsible for various innovative ventures, such as Tesla and SpaceX, Musk has decided that the future of communication lies not within Earth's boundaries, but in outer space. "Over the last few days as the Twitter CEO, I have come to realize that mere mortals cannot keep up with our ambitions," Musk said in a tweet. "So, I have decided to expand the boundaries of our social media beyond this tiny blue dot we call Earth." In a series of tweets, the entrepreneur also revealed that the new CEO of Twitter would be an unnamed woman, starting her role in about 6 weeks. "I'm excited to leave Twitter's management in very capable hands and focus on building new technologies," Musk wrote. "Soon, Martians who are definitely not cats in disguise, will express their opinions on Earth's TV shows in just 280 characters." The announcement has prompted a flurry of reactions from internet users, with many applauding Musk's ingenuity and ambition. Additionally, Tesla shares jumped more than 2% as investors rejoiced over this newfound opportunity to communicate with extraterrestrial life. While details about the technology that will facilitate tweeting to Mars remain scant, open source intelligence reveals that Musk and SpaceX may already have secretly sent a Martian Twitter server aboard one of their recent space-bound flights. Commenting on this development, an anonymous source from SpaceX said, "We are working on a state-of-the-art Martian Twitter server that can withstand harsh space conditions and Martian dust storms. This will revolutionize interplanetary communication, making Instagram photos of your avocado toast on Mars a futuristic reality." Meanwhile, NASA has expressed interest in the project, hoping that real-time interactions through Martian tweets may eventually lead to collaboration with Martian agents for future missions. "Our space rovers are working tirelessly to find evidence of cats on Mars, and we are hopeful that this new technology will only expedite our goal of mapping the surface of the red planet," said a NASA spokesperson. As Elon Musk prepares to transition to his new role as exec chair and CTO of Martian Twitter, the world can only watch in awe and anticipation as we step closer to understanding the universe and the possible extraterrestrial beings that inhabit it. It remains to be seen if, and when, Earthlings and Martians will interact using the brevity of 280 characters.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Elon Musk says he's stepping down as Twitter CEO, will oversee product

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