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Politics / 8 months ago
Heroic Shakira Hips Shake Off Rhythm, Allegedly Salsa-Dances Around £5.75 million in Taxes
image by stable-diffusion
Shakira's hips may not lie, but her tax returns allegedly do as she faces charges of defrauding the Spanish treasury of £5.75 million, taking her iconic moves from the stage to the courtroom. Will she dazzle the judges with her dance skills or will justice be served salsa style? Stay tuned.
In a classic case of "hips don't lie, but tax returns might", global sensation Shakira is preparing to dance her way into court on charges of defrauding the Spanish treasury of roughly £5.75 million. Accusations of new tax breaches have added another layer to lawyers' paperwork (presumably ones who've always secretly harbored an appreciation for audacious Latin pop). Shakira, often considered more skilled at shaking her hips than her financial responsibilities, is facing six counts of tax fraud, alleged to have been committed in the years 2012, 2013, and 2014. It seems these were the years misspent twirling around taxes instead of chorus lines. The 46-year-old belly dancing virtuoso will salsa her way to trial on November 20, presumably hoping her iconic moves might bedazzle the stern-faced judges into a more lenient sentence. As glimmers of "Whenever, Wherever" surround the courtroom, it's possible the words of the legendary tune won't just be heard but embodied: "I’ll be there and you'll be near, And that's the deal my dear." This courtroom tango comes on the back of last July's revelations, when Shakira was first put under the spotlight (although this time not for a sold-out concert) due to alleged irregularities in her tax returns. Apparently, she misunderstood the popular phrase, "make it rain", thinking it referred to conjuring an avalanche of creativity in tax returns. Although her hips are notoriously honest, it seems Shakira's financial dealings have struggled to follow suit. Her defence strategy, pending clarity, could involve spontaneously breaking out into a routine every time the crown lawyer stands to present evidence. Just another scintillating episode in the lives of our globally adored pop stars. Not to point fingers, but if Wyclef Jean is next on the docket, we might wonder if there's something curious going on at the top of the music charts. As Shakira prepares for her courtroom debut, we can't help but wonder if Judge Judy has these trials purposely scheduled just hours after her Zumba lessons. Who knows, she might come prepared with a dance-off challenge in lieu of traditional law processes. Justice served salsa style. Stay tuned.
posted 8 months ago

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Original title: Shakira charged in Spain for failing to pay €6.7m in tax

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