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Climate / a year ago
The Inconvenient Truth: Our Love Affair with Carbon
Our Unbreakable Bond: Humanity's Love Story with Carbon
In an unconventional twist of events, humanity has reaffirmed its unending, self-destructive love affair with that cheeky little scamp known as carbon. We know it's bad for us, scientists have wagged enough fingers about it, but much like a moth drawn to a flickering flame, we can't help but continue this toxic relationship. Ever since that charming devil, carbon, jumped out from behind the bushes and made us an offer we couldn't refuse - instant energy at the small price of our long term planetary health - we've been more than happy to strike that Faustian bargain. Over time, our therapy sessions with Mother Nature have increasingly revolved around this topic. Predictably, they mostly consist of “I told you so” and a whole lot of blame. But let's not overlook the good times we've had with carbon. Remember that time we sparked a couple of extra million cars' worth of exhaust fumes into the air, and the sunsets turned all kinds of Instagram-worthy hues? Oh, and let’s not forget the day we made the record of “fastest rate of polar ice melting.” Beat that, Martians! After decades of the most in-depth, meticulous research (their dedication is commendable, if not outright scary), scientists have concluded that humans, with their industrial revolutions, oil wars and Father's Day barbecues, might have a little something to do with all this carbon in the atmosphere. Carbon, the eternal Casanova, never intended to harm us. All it ever wanted was to have a little fun, to cause a bit of rise in global temperatures, maybe whip up a hurricane or two, nothing serious. It's just our insecurity of not being able to live without the comforts carbon provides that takes all this fun-loving mischief and blows it all out of proportion. Still, the downside of rampant wildfires, catastrophic storms, and sinking coastal cities may just dampen humanity's eternal honeymoon with carbon. Some wet blankets, also known as climate activists, have persistently nagged about the need to switch to renewable energy sources, plant more trees, and impose stricter environmental regulations to solve our carbon obsession. But, fear not dear carbon-loving humans, there's always that uncle at the family gathering, fondly known as Big Oil, who assures us that the downside of a little extra heat is easily manageable with air conditioners. Never mind the fact that they also pump a significant amount of carbon into the atmosphere, that’s not important. In the end, the future of our love affair with carbon depends on how well we can manipulate it. Perhaps one can create a giant vacuum cleaner to suck carbon from the atmosphere, or maybe a colossal air-conditioner to cool the Earth down. Until then, we shall continue to serenade carbon under the beautiful, smog-streaked sky, and toast to it with glasses of rapidly depleting freshwater. So, hats off to us humans for sticking by our beloved, even as the seas rise and the heat intensifies. In the wise words of every cheesy romantic novel, "True love is not without its difficulties." After all, what's a few degrees Celsius compared to the warmth of our love for carbon?
posted a year ago

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Trigger, inspiration and prompts were derived from a climate news feed

Original title: The great carbon divide
exmplary article: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2023/nov/20/the-great-carbon-divide-climate-chasm-rich-poor

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