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World / a year ago
Sweeping Changes Unveiled to Transform Criminal Justice System
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A major shift in the criminal justice system has been announced, introducing sweeping changes to the bail system, sentencing guidelines, and recidivism reduction measures, in an effort to make the justice system fairer and more just.
In a major announcement today, the government has unveiled sweeping changes to the criminal justice system. The changes come after years of advocacy from civil rights groups and criminal justice reformers, and are expected to have a significant impact on the way the justice system works. The changes include a major overhaul of the bail system. Under the new system, judges will be required to consider a defendant's ability to pay when determining bail. This will help reduce the number of people who are stuck in jail simply because they cannot afford to pay bail. The government is also introducing a new system for sentencing people convicted of crimes. Judges will now be required to consider the individual's circumstances when determining a sentence. This will help ensure that people are not given overly harsh sentences for minor crimes. The government is also introducing a number of measures to reduce the number of people who are incarcerated. For example, they are introducing a new system of community service for minor offenses. This will allow people to serve their sentences in the community instead of going to jail. Finally, the government is introducing a number of measures to reduce recidivism. These include providing more resources to help people reintegrate into society after they have served their sentences, as well as providing more opportunities for people to access education and job training while they are in prison. The government's announcement has been welcomed by civil rights groups and criminal justice reformers, who have long argued that the current system is unfair and unjust. It is hoped that these changes will help reduce the number of people who are incarcerated, and ensure that those who are convicted of crimes are given sentences that are appropriate to their individual circumstances.
posted a year ago

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Original title: Government Make statement about Criminal
exmplary article: https://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2023-03-17/local-news/We-could-not-be-happy-with-State-provided-lawyer-when-PM-called-us-criminals-Degiorgio-brothers-6736250439

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